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He kept his glass down on the table. He sighed deeply before rubbing his face with his hand.  He ran his fingers through his quiffed up blonde hair, before he looked at his surroundings.

Zayn just had to book me a commercial flight. 

At least he booked a first class seat.

He leaned back on his seat. The plane had taken off about 20 minutes ago and Niall was only on his 2nd drink. He needed another one.

I could call the hostess.

Na, get up you lazy arse.

He got up, glass in hand, and walked towards the back of the plane, where there was a bar. He walked by a couple of business men and women, also seated in the first class section. They looked stiff and so upright. Niall knew he held more authority than they did, but didn't say anything. 

They were all heading to the same place for the same reason.

The New York Greenfeld Convection. 

It was widely known and the most known business men and women were to attend. Niall was, of course, known and was speaking at the event.

He walked through the curtains leading to the bar and gave his glass to the bartender. The bartender nodded, as he knew Niall Horan's drink by heart.

Niall stood there waiting for his drink, patiently, which surprised himself. He was surprisingly really calm, when in real life he should be steaming over the fact that, firstly, he's not in his own plane, and secondly, he had a boatload of work to finish off before reaching New York.

The bartender gave Niall his glass, which he snatched and walked away, before nodding at the bartender as to say 'Thank you.'

As he turned to leave, he noticed about 4-5 people surrounding a woman. She was seated, a glass of wine in her left hand and her phone in her right. The people standing around her were talking to her as she spoke back. She looked rather quirky.

She had light brown hair and she wore a light pink button up, with a peach pencil skirt. Niall bit his lip, as he stared at her bossing the people around her.

Hm She's hot and all... but nah.

He turned a headed back to his seat. He decided to get his work done, so he removed his laptop, immediately replying to the 62 emails he had gotten, since he hasn't checked his laptop in an hour.

He huffed, seeing an email from Deo, his cousin. Deo Devine was always Niall's favourite cousin as a child, but had a falling out a few years prior. 

Hey Niall. 

I'm in a tight spot. Was wondering if you could send some money? I'll pay you back as soon as possible. 


Deo D.

Niall rolled his eyes.

Deo can suck my dick. 

Niall huffed, ignoring his email, and moving on to the work related ones. This was Niall's routine. Check his mails every half an hour, before his inbox gets flooded. After a half hour of answering emails and doing work, Niall finally looked up from the screen and turned to his Phone.

He realized he had a missed call from Zayn's assistant.

"Hello?" he said, calling her back.

"Mr Horan. Important message from Mr Malik. As soon as you reach New York, call him regarding the Hudson Project." she said. 

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