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-- N I A L L--

"You cannot constantly be like this! Stop being such a bitch!" she screamed at him. 

I awkwardly sat there, hearing the fight word-to-word, coming from the next room.

Zayn's office. 

I knew Perrie had marched into the office, according to Jade and Eleanor, about ten minutes ago. Perrie was Zayn's wife of about 5 years, and she seemed dead pissed when she walked in. 

We five have been friends even since our first year University. They both had very strong chemistry and have been together ever since the second year of University. Louis and Eleanor were a year older to us, but hell, we were all so close.

Currently there was a screaming fest going on next door. I could go and yell at them to shut up, but I'm honestly a bit scared. Of Perrie, not Zayn.

I stood up from my desk, and walked to my door. I glanced outside hesitantly, spotting Eleanor sitting on Jade's desk, speaking quietly to her.

I walked out, the girls ceasing their chatter. The screaming between Zayn and Perrie continued and we three just stared at each other. The other office workers kept glancing at all of us.

"Should I go in there?" I asked the girls. Pointing in the direction of Zayn's office. The girls looked at each other, before looking at me and nodding.

"Come with me?" I asked Eleanor, who slowly nodded.

I sighed deeply, before walking towards the room with the screaming voices.

"No just shut the fuck up!" he yelled back at something she said. I turned to Eleanor, exchanging a glance with her. 

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! You only know how to bloody yell at me!" she screamed back, just as we walked past Eleanor's empty desk and stood by the door.

"You always do this, Z! You always fucking hook up with someone. We've been together for five years and you must have cheated like 4 times! We have a fucking daughter, Zayn! Have you ever thought about her?!" she yelled back her voice cracking, making me feel guilty for some reason. 

I turned to El, my eyes slightly widened, seeing that her jaw had dropped. She couldn't believe it either. 4 times?!

I took a deep breath, and decided to knock before Pez continued. Suddenly the shouting stopped and we were met with silence.

"Who is it?" Zayn called out, his voice sounding a bit angry.

"Niall." I said out loud. I heard footsteps, before the door was opened revealing Zayn with a very angry face, and Perrie standing next to his desk, arms crossed on her chest and her chest rising and falling heavily, as she tried not to cry.

Zayn's eyes glanced at me and then at El, frowning at us.

"Your shouting really loudly at each other. It's disturbing everyone." i said calmly.

"Not my fault she can't fucking shut her mouth." Zayn muttered. We stood there in silence, knowing that she had heard him by the expressions on her face. My eyes glared at Zayn, silently slapping him.

"Fuck you." Perrie spits at Zayn, grabbing her bag and heading towards us. She rushes past us, and past all the employees staring at her and got into an elevator.

"What the fuck, Zayn?" I spit out, starling him. His eyes grow angry again.

"What the hell do you mean?" he said back.

"You cheated on her? Again?!" I exclaimed, petrified that my best mate would do such a thing.

"Look, I don't have to explain myself to you. So just, bugger off." Zayn yelled out, walking back to his desk. 

I look at him in disbelief, feeling like hitting him.

"That girl who just walked out is Perrie Edwards. She's the girl who you fought to be with. She's the girl who stayed by your side when you went through all your worst day. She's the one who cried for you. She's the one you only cared about, even when you got married to her, you wanted only her. And now what the fuck are you doing? You're hurting her by going to other girls, who mean nothing to you! And what for? Sex? Is that all you look for, Zayn?" I asked him, almost yelling.

"That girl has worked so hard just to finally get you to love her like she deserves. She talks about you all the time. She only want you. She's been faithful since day 1. What are you doing, Zayn?" Eleanor says, with a sigh.

"And what about Ila? Oh my gosh, think about what this will do to her, if her parents are constantly shouting at each other." Eleanor continued.

"You're disappointing everyone, Zayn. Stop being such a fuck up. She's not going to be here if this keeps going on. I know right know, she's deciding if she should get a divorce." I said sighing.

He frowned slightly, not retaliating. He blinked slightly, thinking about my words. 

Jade walked up to us and stood beside Eleanor, arms crossed on her chest.

"You're a big dick." she stated looking at Zayn. I don't even know if she knows the entire story yet. That's Jade for you.

Zayn groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. Eleanor huffed loudly, before turning around and walking away, towards Jade desk and out of our site.

"El's also mad now. Everyone's getting pissed, Zayn. You better fix this, before you end up with no friends, and no wife, and possibly, no daughter." I said, before walking out of his office.

All the workers on our floor, were peaking out of their seats, trying to figure out whats going on, but they all quickly sat down once they saw me come out of the room.

I sighed before heading back to my office. I stopped in front of Eleanor, who was sitting on Jade's chair, frowning into space.

"Perrie's calling Louis right now." Eleanor says, making my gaze soften. Louis is Eleanor's husband, but she constantly worried about Louis' friendship with Perrie as they had a 'thing' before.

We've all been in the company for many years now, so we've all met up many times outside the office. We've all met each other plenty of times, and are pretty close friends.

Louis and Perrie had a small fling back then. But they had moved on pretty quickly, Perrie to some guy and Louis to Eleanor. Louis has been loyal to El, always has, but El always feels a bit jealous around Perrie, even though Pez is married to Zayn and Louis to El.

Let's just say I'm the only single one here.

"They're best friends, why are you so worried all the time? Louis loves you. Zayn and Perrie are together. Stop being stressed everytime Lou and Pez get together." I smiled at her.

"Anyways, please get back to work. These distractions are an after work situation. Tell Jade too, please." I said, as Eleanor sighed, before standing up. 

I walked back into my office to continue my work, refraining to think about my little goddaughter, Ila.


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