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"Zayn, could you open the frontdoor? Someones ringing the bell." Eleanor called out to Zayn, as she walked past him with two big dishes in her hands, making him nod.

He swung the door open, face to face with the smiling faces of Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer.

"Payno!" Zayn exclaimed, hugging him, "Didn't know Louis invited the two of you."

"Ah, well we were thrilled when he called us." Dani commented, making everyone smile. 

"C'mon out, we were all heading to have lunch anyways." Zayn said shutting the front door, before motioning them to follow him.

The three walked outside to the dining table set beside the pool, towards the group of seated people, that seemed to be laughing at Harry, as he explained some story.

"Louis, Eleanor! Congrats man. Heard about your news." Liam said, making Louis stand up and attack Liam with a hug. They seemed to be pretty close already. Dani smiled, moving to congratulate Eleanor, and speak with everyone.

Within the next five minutes, everyone was seated and laughing, as they sipped on their variety of drinks.

If there was someone Perrie did not like at all, it was Danielle. Although Dani was really sweet and kind, and everyone seemed to love her, she just had something off. Like as though she was faking it. 

And it was perfect, that façade. No one could see she was faking it, but Perrie felt she could see right through her.

She honestly liked Hazel a lot better than Danielle. Sure it seemed like her family of friends had warmed up to Liam and Danielle, but she really didn't feel that welcome to them yet.

"Z?" Perrie muttered to her laughing husband, drawing his attention to her.

"Yeah Pez?" he said, smiling at her. 

"What do you think about Dani?" she said, casually trying to bring up the topic, as she stared down at her glass, swirling the liquid inside it.

"Uhm she's nice. Why?"

"No like, I just get a weird vibe from her. Like she's not entirely cheerful as she seems," Perrie said, turning to Zayn again, "You know?"

"Not really, babe, no. Like I haven't spoken to her much to know that, yeah?" Zayn replied, as Perrie nodded.

"Yeah I get you, I haven't either. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions again." she replied, sipping her wine.

"Hey," Zayn said, making her look at him once more, "If I know one thing about you, its that your gut instinct is almost never wrong. So if you still feel like this after a while, tell me alright? We can keep our distance from them."

Perrie smiled at her loving husband, before leaning in to give him a kiss.

"Thank you, Zayn. I love you." she said, before wrapping her arms around him, him returning the action.

"And I love you." he said, kissing her head. 

"Mummy! Daddy! I want 'uggsies too." came Ila's little voice, making the couple pull away, and smile down at their daughter.

"Of course, my love. C'mon." Zayn said, picking Ila up and placing her on his lap, before cuddling her, as Perrie watched them, her smile wide.

Meanwhile on the other side on the table, Jade noticed that for some reason, her husband couldn't keep his eyes off of Danielle. 

Maybe she was reading into it, imagining it even, but she was so sure that she noticed him constantly glancing at her.

Jade angrily sipped her drink, her eyes not leaving harrys direction, despite Louis and Liams conversation that included them both.

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