~ 16

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"Alfred! Has Jade arrived yet?!" Niall called out, once he spots Alfred walking by Nialls open office door, holding a huge binder in his arms.

Alfred freezes, before turning to Jades empty desk, and then turning back to Niall, shaking his head. He then scurries off to the conference room that Hazel was at, making Niall let out an annoyed groan.

"What's up with one of us missing each other." Niall grumbled, getting up and walking towards Jades empty desk. He quickly logged onto her computer, remembering the password. He went to her files, needing to get the documents required.

He quickly sent the documents to his email, just in time to see Jade walking out of the elevators, and towards her desk, 4 coffees in her hands and a frown on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked, handing over a coffee to Niall, before walking over to Eleanors desk and handing her two coffees for her and Zayn.

"I'm looking for the documents of the new qualifications required for appointing the new head for the accounts department." Niall muttered, scrolling through her folders, realizing he had missed a document.

He double clicked on it, checking if its the one he needed, before he froze. His eyes scanned over the page, unable to believe he was reading that.

Jade noticed his eyes and glanced at her own screen. Her eyes widened, before she turned to Niall. 

"I can explain, Ni." she said softly, as Niall shook his head, not wanting to talk about it, before he walked back into his office, shutting the door behind him.

Jade stared at the door, not knowing how else to explain it to him, before she sat down with a sigh. She can't believe he saw it this early. 

Eleanor, who was at her desk, had watched the entire interaction go down, but hadn't said anything. She was curious as to what was the specific document that got Niall so upset.

So she walked straight into Nialls office, after giving Jade a small smile, and shut the door behind her.

"What was on the document?" Eleanor asked softly, making Niall look up at her. He sighed, removing his glasses and placing them down, before crossing his arms on the table, and resting his head on them.

"I can't tell you, El. It's not for me to tell." Niall said, making Eleanor frown. What was something that was so confidential that she couldn't know? She knows everything that Jade and Zayn know.

"Oh, then who do I find out from?" she asked, leaning against the door.

"Jade." Niall said, replacing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose, and turning back to the papers on his desk. 

"Fine." Eleanor said, before turning and leaving the room hastily.

"What was in that document?!" she asked one more time, but this time to Jade, who almost dropped her coffee with how quick Eleanor had appeared beside her.

"Which document?" Jade asked.

"The one Niall just saw." Eleanor stated, sitting down at the edge of Jades desk. Jade sighed, running her hands through her hair, before turning to Eleanor, who was sipping her own coffee.

"It's my resignation letter." Now it was Eleanors turn to almost drop her coffee.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Eleanor said loudly, making Jade shush her.

"Keep it down!" Jade exclaimed, "No one else can find out about this, okay El?" Eleanor nodded, her mouth still wide open.

"I'm planning on resigning in a couple of months." Jade stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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