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"Really?" Jade said, entering the room. 

"Hm?" Niall said, looking up.

"This." Jade said, slamming the newspaper down on his desk.

" Jade said, slamming the newspaper down on his desk

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"Oh." Niall said, before looking back at his computer and continue his typing.

"Oh? So that's where you went last night? I thought you were busy over here in the office, since that's where you told me you'd be, and you weren't answering your phone and-"

"Jade, can you stop? Stop being so nosy." Niall said, glaring at Jade.

"Is is because of the crush comment Harry made last night? Because I'm sorry, Ni. I'm sorry for telling my husband that I thought you had a crush on a very beautiful, kind hearted girl, who you were out all night with."

"I wasn't out all night with her, we spend some time together, and then she dropped me back at the gala, as Drew had already come back." Niall stated, typing in the last details for the form he needed to send.

"I'm done with the form, can you email it to the Enclave project?" Niall said, pointing at his laptop. Jade glared at him, before huffing.

"This conversation is not over." she said, heading for the door.

"And fucking hell Niall, I'm not nosy. I'm just curious about my bestfriend because I don't seem to know him anymore." she snarled, stepping out of the office.

Niall sighed, shutting his eyes. 

Why does he always fuck up?

He grabbed his phone, swiping past the numerous emails, from Eleanor, Zayn, Beatrice, Jade, Mark etc etc, about the hundred things that were to be done by the end of the day.

He kept his phone back on the table, rolling his eyes. 

He picked up the phone and dialed in Jade.

"What?" she snapped, making him chuckle.

"Any meetings today? You didn't give me the run through."

"Oh, yeah, you've got to take an interview today with Eleanor. Me and Zayn have to drop by at San Marco's office to pick up the receipt and the paperwork for the supplies. Beatrice has a meeting with her team, in the 2nd conference room, you have to be there in time to supervise."

"Supervise? What are they, five?"

"Niall, with the security breaches that's been happening, don't you think it's better if we take precautions so nothing happens to our money?" Jade said, making Niall sigh.

"You're right, Jade." he said, nodding his head.

"Anything else?" 

"Uh yeah, you have lunch with your lawyer. He needs to talk to you." Jade said.

"And you got a lot of work after that too." Jade said sighing, as Niall nodded. He grabbed a sticky note, writing the word "lunch" on it in big letters and putting it on his phone.

"Okay thank you Jade." he said, before disconnecting the phone.


"You're coming to ours for dinner right?" Eleanor said, as they left the room. He nodded remembering that they had a dinner planned.

"You know what? Why don't you invite Hazel?" Eleanor said, stopping him in his tracks. 

"What? Why?" 

"She seems pretty nice, and you're close to her." 

"Uh well, I'll ask her."

"Cool." Eleanor said, a small smile on her lips. 

This was gonna be the first time Niall's ever invited Hazel or any other colleague for the matter, to a personal event.

He sighed as he walked back to his office. He had to head for Beatrice's meeting.

He picked up the file for the meeting before he ran a hand through his hair, the product in it making it stay in the same position as before.

He got a phone call, picking it up. A few words were exchanged with the person on the other side, before they abruptly disconnected the call on Niall. Niall put his phone down in anger.

"Ni? Me and Zayn gonna leave now, don't forget about lunch and Beatrice's meeting." Jade said, peeking into the door, making Niall turn to her, and nod. She was about to shut the door, when she realized he seemed so tense.

"Nialler, you okay?" she asked moving towards him.

"Yeah I'm good, just a lot of things to do today. Vincent called telling he doesn't want to do the deal anymore." Niall breathed out, making Jade sigh out.

"It's okay, we can manage." she said, before kissing his cheek affectionately, all the previous anger towards him vanishing.

"See you in the evening." she said, before leaving.

He took a deep breath, put his glasses back on, before fixing his posture. He then took a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair once more, and left his office.

He headed to conference room 2, standing outside the door. He opened the door and entered, making everyone from the finance department turn to look at him.

He stared at the heads that were looking at him, Beatrice included. They all seemed shocked to see him, making him frown.

"What?" he said, making Beatrice look away from him, before looking back with a smile on her face.

"What are you doing here, Mr Horan?" she asked, a little too sweetly. Niall narrowed his eyes at her.

"Jade told me there was a meeting here, so I'm here to find out what the meeting is about, and why it's been held last minute." Niall explained, seeing that Jade hadn't told them about his arrival.

Beatrice nodded slowly, before nodding at one of the other guys, who nodded back and offered a seat to Niall.

Niall sat down on the seat, eyeing everyone suspiciously.

They were all silent, seeming to have nothing to talk about, even though Niall saw that they were deep in discussion when he had entered.

Niall crossed his legs authoritatively, before his piercing blue eyes, bore in Beatrice's head.

"So, Beatrice, why was this meeting called?" Niall asked.

"Yes sir, I had called this meeting for the money that has been coming in from last years Project Reject, as we called it, and it's.. rather smaller than the actual amount." she explained, a bit hesitant.

Niall held out his hand for the projects file, which one of the other people handed over to him, and he sat back in his chair, flipping through the pages.

His eyes landed on the number decrease, making him frown.

"Why are they sending in lesser amount than what we made a deal for? And its very less." Niall asked, frowning at the head of the finance department.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, sir. But don't worry, we'll call the company and let them know." Beatrice said, smiling at the people in the room. Niall slowly nodded, letting her take care of the matter. 

Niall was the first to leave, when the meeting ended.

But there was something nagging his mind, that made him suspect, there was some foul play here. 


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