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"Sir, there's someone here to see you." 

"Jade, do they have an appointment?" he asked, not even looking up.

"No." she replied.

"Well, then. I can't meet them." Niall hummed, as he continued typing.

"You can go right in, sir." Jade said turning around to the people. Niall huffed, hating Jade at the moment, before watching who was entering.

"Liam Payne!" Niall exclaimed, standing up. He was one of Niall's closest partners in the business world. They had worked on a huge project together the previous year, and have been great friends ever since.

"Niall Horan. Great to see ya, mate." Liam said, moving forward to offer a hug, which Niall accepted.

"What brings you here, this fine morning?" Niall said, before laughing at his own words. Liam smiled along before opening the door more.

"You helped my wife last week, only felt right if I came to thank you in person." He said, making Niall frown. 

"Dani!" Liam called out, peeking his head out of the door, as his wife entered.


Realization dawned upon his face. Liam and Danielle are married.

"Oh! Danielle!" Niall exclaimed. She smiled at him, as Liam wrapped an arm around her. 

"Thank you for what you did last week." Danielle said, making me nod. 

"It's nothing, don't worry." Niall said, smiling at them. 

"We went and thanked Louis Tomlinson as well." she said, excitement in her voice.

"I got his autograph!" she blurted out, making Niall and Liam laugh. 

"Anyways, we just wanted to drop by and drop a cheque." Liam said, more seriously. Niall frowned.

"What for?" he asked, leaning against the front of his desk. 

"Well, we wanted to show you our grattitude for what you did for us. We're incredibly thankful and we just wanted to offer some money to the company-"

"Well that won't be required, thank you Liam." Niall said, shaking his head. 


"No buts," Niall interrupted, once again. 

"Your thank you's are enough. We don't want the cheque." Niall genuinely smiled at the couple, who slowly nodded.

"Alright, you did the right thing. I understand. So did Louis, actually. Refused to take the cheque. Glad to make your acquaintance." Liam replied, before chuckling at his words.

"Thanks, mate." Liam said, moving forward to give Niall a hug, which he accepted, smiling widely at the two.

"Thank you, Niall." Danielle said, standing beside her husband, smiling at Niall.

"Anytime." he said, as Liam and Danielle left the room.

"What was that all about?" Jade said, entering the room.

"Yeah well, she was the one I 'rescued' last week. Me and Lou?" Niall said, trying to waken her memory, as she nodded remembering.

"Danielle Peazer?" Jade asked, as he nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me it was her? I've gone clubbing with her so many times!" she exclaimed, making Niall raise a brow.

"You have?" Niall asked. Jade nodded.

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