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"I'm so glad you came!" Eleanor said out, throwing her arms around Hazel's shorter frame, making Niall turn towards the door. Hazel laughed, hugging her back, making Niall smile at Hazel's presence.

Niall shook his head, a small smile on his lips, as he watched the exchange.

"Cheers." Harry said, offering a beer to Niall, who took it with a smile.

"She came eh?" Harry said, nudging Niall, who playfully shoved Harry back.

"Shut the fuck up." Niall replied, making Harry laugh. Perrie hummed from beside them, making them turn to her, noticing her presence.

"Nice to know Niall's girl got invited." she said, smiling innocently.

"Not my girl." Niall said, shaking his head.

"Yet." she said, before walking away dramatically, making both Niall and Harry exchange a look.

Niall shook his head at the girl, Harry chuckling. Harry then walked away towards Louis and Zayn, leaving Niall alone in the hallway.

After Eleanor let Hazel breathe, Hazel looked around the room, her eyes landing on Niall. She waved at him, making him wave back, a smile on his face.

"I'll have to say," she said, walking towards him, "you look more handsome in casual clothes."

Niall smiled back, not expecting the compliment.

"You look beautiful in either way." he replied back, making her blush.

"Thank you." she replied politely.

"Uncle NiNi!" Ila yelled out, making him look down at the little girl who had her arms open, gesturing him to pick her up. He laughed, before picking her up, his beer in one hand, and Ila in the other.

"Ila princess, this is Auntie Hazel." Niall said, making Ila turn to Hazel, with a shy smile.

"Hi, I'm Ila. I'm this much." she said, holding up three fingers. Niall laughed, before pushing one of her fingers down. 

Hazel laughed at Ila, smiling at the sweet little girl. Niall kisses Ila's cheek, before he placed her back down, making her whine.

"Honey, go on play with Hatchi, Cliff and Bruce." Niall told Ila, pointing at Hatchi, who was running in between Perrie's legs, as she tried to walk to the backyard. Ila ran off, following Hatchi and squealing, making Clifford and Bruce chase behind her.

"Hazel, you fancy a glass?" Jade asked, stopping at the pair, raising her own glass of wine.

"Sure." Hazel commented, giving Niall a smile, before she followed Jade to Eleanors kitchen.

Niall smiled, his mind pondering over the conversation he just had with Hazel. He then took a swing of his Guinness, before walking to the backyard, where everyone that wasn't in the house was sitting in lawn chairs.

"Lottie!" Niall exclaimed, spotting Louis' sister, who immediately lit up, as she said back his name, attacking him with a hug. Niall laughed back, hugging her.

"How are you?" he asked, pulling her down to sit down on a chair.

"I'm good, launched my make up brand and it's doing amazing. I might actually make it my career, now that I think of it." she explains, her smile bright.

"That's amazing, I'm so proud of you." he said, drinking his beer. He was distracted by the sight of Hazel, Perrie, Jade and Eleanor making their way outside, all holding glasses.

"That's your girlfriend right?" Lottie asked, making him turn to her, eyes wide.

"No! No no no, just a work friend." he said, a small blush making its way onto his face, before he turned back to look at her. Lottie just looked at the older man with a knowing smile.

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