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He slammed the file on Jades desk. He just wasn't in the mood for all this nonsense. He was angry, people had been pissing his off all day. Zayn's ignorance, avoiding Eleanor, Jade's unprofessional behaviour, Mark the head tech guy quitting and much more bullshit.

"Jade, could you please take care of this?" he asked Jade, as politely as he could, despite his anger.

She looked up at him from her seat, before checking the time.

"It's my time to leave. You should've told me earlier, Mr Horan." she said, continuing her previous typing. 

Niall shut his eyes, mentally telling himself to calm down, and not yell at Jade, as she was very respected by him and he loved her.

He sighed, before opening his eyes.

"Do you have to leave now itself? Couldn't you leave in five minutes?" he asked.

"No can do. My friends are waiting for me." Jade said before saving her work and shutting her laptop. 

She put her laptop back in her bag, as she gathered the rest of the things.

"Oh. Great." Niall said, knowing it was them. The people that have been ignoring him for the past 24 hours.

"Yeah." Jade said, before grabbing her phone and walking to the lift. Niall followed her, feeling guilty all of a sudden. 

They both entered the lifts, Jade scrolling through her messages, as Niall stared at the lift doors. Jade pressed the ground floor, ignoring Niall standing right there.

"What do you want?" she said to Niall, when the lifts stopped at the 10th floor, but no one entered.

"Look, I don't understand why I'm the one being ignored when clearly, El made a mistake." Niall said, making Jade angry, as she turned to him.

"Don't you dare accuse her again. If she is so wrong, why are we all gonna hangout today? Why is no one else saying she's wrong? Why is everyone mad at you?" Jade said, just as the doors slid open to the ground floor. She moved to get out of the lift.

Niall grabbed her hand, making her turn around. He spotted Eleanor standing a bit further away, beside Zayn, talking away.

"Don't be delusional, Jade. You know I'm right-"

"You're not right! For once in your fucking life, you're fucking wrong, so just accept it!" she exclaimed, walking away towards Zayn and Eleanor. 

She had been loud enough for everyone on the ground floor to turn towards him. He made eye contact with Zayn, but he turned his eyes and stared at Jade, as she smiled at Zayn and Eleanor.

Niall huffed, moving to the lifts. He clicked the 25th floor, the top floor where his office was, and he was breathing heavily like some animal in a cage. He felt trapped and cornered in that small space, his claustrophobia kicking in.

He reached the 25th floor, and opened his office door. 

With a shout, he flung the glass vase that was on his desk, across the room, leaving shattered pieces of glass in the corner of the room.

He stood there for a while, staring at the broken pieces, as he was hardly able to breathe. He was so angry. An animal in a cage. A cage that he built.

"Mr Horan, could I- What happened?!" came Beatrice's voice, as she stood behind Niall, observing the scene in the room.

"N- Nothing happened. Please leave, Beatrice." Niall said, still very focused on the floor, and the shining glass.

"No, no. Tell me, are you ok?" She said, standing beside him, and inspecting his hand, checking for any cuts or marks.

"I'm fine." he said, shrugging her off. They stood in a silence, staring at the glass.

"Ok." she said softly, before leaving the room. 

Niall went out of the room, feeling so drained. He got the dustpan from the janitors room, and came back, gathering up all the shards of glass, and throwing it.

He then sat down on his chair, his head in his hands, as he replayed the incidents that had occurred.

Was he wrong? Maybe Eleanor didn't do anything? Maybe she honestly didn't find it?

"Ugh I'm such a jerk." he muttered into his hands. 


He knocked on the door, waiting patiently and letting them open the door. He turned around and glanced at Drew in the car, who nodded at Niall encouragingly, making Niall smile back. 

The door opened, revealing the face of Eleanor. She stood there, staring at him, as he reciprocated the actions.

"Hey." he said, as she crossed her arms on her chest, and watched him.

"Look, I know I'm a jerk, and frankly I'm the biggest idiot. I spoke without thinking and I didn't mean it, I hope you know that. You're very important to me, and you were honest to me. I'm sorry I thought that you betrayed my trust. I should've had more trust in you, because I know you wouldn't do such a thing." Niall explained, as Eleanor watched him. 

She sighed, when Niall stopped.

"You're an idiot. You don't know how bad I felt for something I didn't even do. You made me feel like a bitch, made me feel like I lost your trust. You're my oldest friend, and one of the most important, and to see you turn against me, hurt me in so many ways." she said, angrily. 

Louis suddenly showed up behind her, and he just stared at Niall, not saying a word.

"I don't forgive you, because you won't learn your lesson yet, but I want you to think about what you've done. How much you've hurt me. And then maybe if I think you're better, then maybe I can take you back as my friend." she said, turning around and going back inside, leaving Louis and Niall facing each other.

"You're seriously a massive fuck up." Louis said.

" Louis said

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"Yeah." Niall agreed, looking down at his shoes.

"When was the last time you got laid?" Louis asked, making Niall look up and frown.

"Uh...I don't know, a few months back. Why?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're moody, fucked up. I think you need to let loose, like for real." Louis said, making Niall scoff.

"Okayy mate." Niall said, turning away and walking. He shook his head smiling, and turned to give Louis another smile, who was laughing.

Niall got into the car, and sat in the backseat with Drew.

"How did it go?"

"We're getting there, Drew. We're getting there."


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