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"What the fuck?!" Niall bellowed.

"I'm s-sorry sir, I had problems with th-" said the smaller lad.

"I don't fucking care! You can't do anything right. You know what? You're fired!" he screamed at the trembling lad.

The poor lad visibly paled and looked sick. He hadn't expected that at all.

"Get out!" the blonde bellowed, making the lad scurry out of the door, shaking.

The man sighs, before sinking down on his chair. He groaned, before placing his head in his hands, on his desk. He knew it was a mistake, but it felt right to him. He picked up his office phone and clicked speed dial one.

"Right, Jade. Could you tell Zayn to call me or to come to my office right now, please?" he said to Jade Thirlwall, his assistant, running his hand through his hair, stressfully.

"Definitely sir."  she replied, hanging up the call. He sighed, a bit nervous to tell his partner about his wrong doing.

He was interrupted by a knock on the door. He froze before saying a meek 'come in' and shifting nervously in his seat. The door opened and in walked Zayn Malik, sort of like his partner in the business. 

He had gorgeous hair, some would die for it, beautiful hazel eyes and the most breathtaking tattoos covering his arms. He was wearing a white button up, rolled up to his sleeves and black jeans.

"Wanted to see me, mate?" Zayn said, plopping down on a chair. Niall nervously chuckled.

"You could have just called, ya know." he said, making Zayn chuckle.

"Uhm well, I just... uhm." Niall stuttered at his mate, trying to think of the right words.

"Spit it out, mate." Zayn said, starting to look a bit confused.

"I might have uhm just fired... Nicholas Murphy." The man muttered, hoping Zayn hadn't heard. Zayn froze, his mood instantly changing. Rage filled his facial features, as he stood up.

"You what?!" he exclaimed, not believing what he just heard. He paced around the room, furious with his partner's behaviour.  

"Nicholas Murphy? Our biggest asset?!" he yelled out. Niall nodded slowly.

"Niall Horan! Are you fucking insane?" he said. Niall bit his lip, not knowing how to reply to Zayn. "I swear to god, one day you'll end up firing yourself." Zayn muttered, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's just Nicholas hadn't given his reports in even after I pressured him a million times. He crossed the deadline a week ago. A week ago." Niall exclaimed, looking at Zayn.

"You know what a difference even a day can do, imagine a week!"  Niall exclaimed, standing up to exaggerate his point.

"So you just fire him? God, come and talk to me! That's why we're partners, so we can make decisions together!" Zayn fired back, angrily pointing at Niall.

"Look, you can call him back. He won't listen to me, cause ya know, I fired him and all. But he might listen to you, Zayn. You were always the more calmer one. And Zayn, I'm CEO so I hold more authority." Niall explained to Zayn, as he sat and considered calling Nicholas, knowing that Niall held more authority.

"I would say you call him, but that doesn't seem so good in this situation." Zayn said, before walking towards the door. He opens the door and mutters 'assface' before shutting it. 

Niall chuckles, before sitting down back at his desk. He sighed in relief, glad that Zayn was taking care of that and went back to his computer.

At 2 o'clock, he saved his document, before grabbing his phone and wallet and walking out, locking his door behind him. Jade was seated at her desk right outside his office as usual, typing away at her computer. 

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