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"Why can't anything be done right in this office?!" 

Zayn sat quietly, listening to Niall. He knew he agreed with Niall.

"Jade did it, Zayn. It's obvious." Niall exclaimed, rubbing his face. Zayn moved forward, looking at Niall's screen once more.

"We can't be sure. I mean, yeah it's her email address, and plus she knows how important it is to you." Zayn reasoned, pissing Niall off more.

"Who else has her email password, Zayn?" Niall asked.

"But doesn't this seem fishy to you Niall? The day after you and Eleanor fix things, this email shows up and everything's bad again." Zayn said, making Niall think. 

A knock was sounded on the door, causing both of them to look towards the door.

"Wanted to see me, sir?" Jade said, walking in. She shut the door behind her and sat down in the chair next to Zayn.

"Jade, did you send an email to the Lumar's?" Niall asked.

"No, I haven't. You didn't tell me to." she said, making both Niall and Zayn exchange a look.

"But there's an email from Hazel Lumar saying that they're "disheartened" that we declined the offer." Niall said, showing her the email.

"What?" she said reading the email, making Zayn sigh.

"Ok Niall, I swear I didn't do it-"

"Is your computer the only place you have your email open?" Niall interrupted.

"No, I have it on my phone too, but I keep logging out on my phone." Jade said, raising the device that was in her hand.

"I'm sorry Jade, but this is your fault. You have to be more careful now, especially after how crazy I got with the Eleanor thing." Niall said, warning Jade.

"What do you mean, Niall?! How am I to blame!" she exclaimed.

"You have to be more responsible! Some person clearly logged on from your computer, and tried to stop a deal from happening! Jade, you're my PA, this cannot happen." Niall justified, making Jade listen in silence.

"I'm not saying this on behalf of your friend, I'm saying this on behalf of your boss!" Niall exclaimed, as she nodded.

"Ok, yeah I understand." She said, calmly.

"Good." Niall replied with a huff.

"Change your email and computer passwords, got it?" Niall said pointing at Jade, as she nodded. Niall turned back to his screen, continuing his work, as Zayn stood up and left.

Jade sighed, before walking out of the room and walking right back in, a notebook in hand.

"Right sir, back to business. I'll call Hazel Lumar directly and speak to her. Uhm you have a meeting with Liam Payne, Martin Scoffeld, Luke Hemmings and Hailey London about the status of last years project, Project Enclave, at 12." Jade read out, before turning the page.

"You have to sign the Dicer contract before 2 and you have an interview to take for the safety, environmental and health manager. The last one just quit." she said, making Niall groan.

"Can't Zayn and Eleanor take care of that? He's the COO for a reason." Niall said, typing more things down.

"No sir. You have to be present, that's the rule. And sir are you taking the Lumar deal?" Jade asked.

"Yes, I will be taking it." he replied , glancing up at Jade before quickly looking away. She nodded before heading to leave.

"Jade? Eleanor gonna go get our coffees or can you?" Niall asked, before she left.

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