Chapter 7

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By the flowing riverbank, the birds literally singing, the trees dancing. Aeryn and Y/N were sitting together on some rocks, talking about the most random things.

Aeryn blushed and turned away. "Alright, alright. I do regret leaving the castle, but Valerie and Peter seemed better and happier for each other."

Y/N rested her head on her hand. "How can you say?"

"I . . . " Aeryn stopped for a brief moment. Her expression slumped for a mere second. "I . . . Have a nick for these sort of things?" She giggled nervously.

"Really?" The Island Queen giggled.

"It doesn't matter, anyway. He's already married to Valerie." sighed the heartboken girl.

It was silent for a moment. Only the sounds of the water flowing and the birds song to fill their ears and satisfy the void of silence.

"Listen, Aeryn, I need to tell you something about our trip tomorrow . . ."


"I can't go. Not without Edmund and everyone else--"

A disappointed look formed on her face. She stood up and gave a bitter "What?"

"It'll be much easier for all of us. More crewmates, the royal family, a ship? Don't you think it would be more practical?"

"But Y/N they could be anywhere in the Narnia! And you're not even sure if the Royal Pevensies are in Narnia! We'd be wasting more time and the green mist would be making the Lone Islands a buffet!" She snapped.

"I knew she was going to leave us!" Said Adonis as he approached Y/N from behind.

Ugh, I swear this boy is always sneaking up from every nook and cranny.

"What?" The Islands Queen said as she turned around. "I never said I was going to leave! I only said I was going to find Edmund--"

Adonis pointed at her. "You're planning to use us for personal gain!"

Y/N was starting to loose patience.

"You're being stupid" She snarled.

Adonis scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm all being stupid? I'm not the one who teamed up with a bunch of forest teenagers to use them so she can find her beloved king."

Y/N gave a side-eye dirty look at Adonis. "If you don't shut up, I might do something I'll regret."

He laughed. "Pft, typical for a traitor like you. What are you gonna do? Turn me into a farmer?"

"Okay, that's enough." Said Aeryn. "She does have a point. We'll be able to have a better chance of surviving if we had a whole ship."

Adonis' eyes widened. "Wh-what?!"

"Thank you, Aeryn."

"No problem, your majesty." She walked closer and put her hand on Y/N's shoulder. "But please make sure you know what you're doing. We're placing all our trust in you to save our family."

The Queen nodded back. "I am a Queen after all." And gave a slight smile.

"B--But what about what you said?! About the Pevensies not being in Narnia?!" Adonis asked in disbelief.

Y/N looked at him sternly. "I know what I'm doing, Adonis."

Aeryn gave a reassuring nod to Adonis before leaving to find Dalius.

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