Chapter 11

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We all retrieved the sword with the help of our position in Narnia and the people of the Lone Islands. I don't know if everyone else saw, but people were giving us glares as soon as our backs were turned.

"Papa, please don't leave" Gael sniffed.

"I'll be back soon, Gael. Please take care of yourself" said Rhince.

Gael gave her father a bittersweet embrace before watching him board the ship.

I was able to watch everything going on since I was in the back of the group.

Adonis walked next to me. "Hey."

"Hey" I said, not looking at him.

"Are you, uh, okay?" he asked shyly.

"Fine" I told him.

"You don't look fine" he said.

"Go figure" I said as I roll my eyes.

"Whoa, what's with the attitude, Dirt Queen?" he joked.

"What's with the nosiness, Snowman?" I retorted, giving him a nasty glare.

"Dang, I was just seeing if you were okay" he said.

I sighed. "Are you okay? One minute you stutter so much, and the next you're as confident as Peter when he thinks he has things under control."

He rubbed his neck as he tried to look for an answer. "Y-Yeah, umm, it's--"

"Excuse me" Edmund says as he purposely barges past I'm between Adonis and I.

"Ow--Hey!" Adonis said, rubbing his arm. "What? Is today International Be-A-Jerk-To-Everyone-Nice-To-You Day?"

"You don't say" I muttered as I angrily watched Edmund stomp off into the front of the group.

"Yeah, I don't say" Adonis rolled his eyes.

I can't believe Edmund is acting so childish. Two years had past. He should be acting more mature, but right now, he's acting like a total brat.


Who does he think he is; Eustace?! Who does he think I am?! Some chick who falls in love with every guy I see?!

"Y/N . . . "

Unbelievable. It's almost as if he's mad at me because of what other guys do. Did he see me blow white powder on their face?! Do I look like I have the psychological capacities to CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE'S ACTIONS?!


"WOULD YOU SHUT UP IM TRYING TO HAVE A MONOLOGUE WITH MYSELF" I shouted at Adonis, holding him by the collar, inches away from his face.

"Y/N calm down" Peter said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I gave Peter a deadly glare and pulled my shoulder away from his touch as I boarded the ship with everyone else.

I walk on the wooden planks of the Dawn Treader and the first thing I see are Aeryn and Edmund talking together.

She's giggling?! What could they possibly be talking about?!

Oh, Aslan, I sound exactly like Edmund.

This is so hypocritical of me right now.

Edmund's eyes met mine. We looked at each other for a few seconds before turning away and continuing his talk with Aeryn.

I angrily walked to the other side of the ship and placed my weight on the wooden railing.

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