Chapter 10

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"Y/N?" Peter asked. "Y/N! It's actually yo-"

Edmund charged towards Peter with a war shout. Both of them grunted as they landed on the ground.

"Get off, Ed!" Peter said as he shoved Edmund to the side.

"Peter?!" Edmund exclaimed. "Y-You're here? In Narnia?!"

Peter raised a brow. "Well, what does it look like?"

Edmund reached out his hand and lifted him up. Peter didn't let go yet. He pulled Edmund into a brotherly embrace.

"You're looking good, Dolly Daydream" Peter chuckled. "One year was it?" Peter asked as he let go.

"Almost two. I'd like to consider it a century because of Bug Eyes over there" Edmund replied as he looked over at the unconscious Eustace being dragged by a crewmate. 

"PETER!" shouted Lucy as she charged towards her brother. Peter grunted again when his back hit the ground.

"Hello, Lucy" Peter smiled as he sat up and tried to ease his backache.

"I missed you so much!" she smiled, almost tearing up.

Peter hugged Lucy, caressing her head. "I missed you too."

I reached out my hand and lifted both of them up.

"Island Queen!" Peter exclaimed. "You look great! Did you cut your hair or something?"

An annoyed expression formed on my face. "Oh, yeah, two years really does a lot to your hair, doesn't it?"

Peter chuckled. 

"What are you doing here?" Asked Lucy.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Peter turned around, "ITS SAFE!" he shouted.

The crew members who were captured by Taj, including Caspian and Oliver emerged from behind the rocks.

Lucy's eyes lit up when she saw Oliver.

Oliver could only watched as she ran to him. He was still a little dizzy from everything.

"Lu-hhhhmfmffm" Oliver was interrupted by Lucy as she kissed him passionately.

"Wha-hey! HEY!" Peter scolded as he marched towards them.

Lucy and Oliver's lips parted as they looked at Peter curiously.

"One minute" Peter sighed and pulled Oliver's ear. "One minute without any family of mine eating their faces off is all I ask."

Oliver rubbed his now red ear to ease the pain, then he stood stiff. "Peter! It's nice to see you again." he said and reached out his hand.

Peter looked at Oliver, then looked at his hand. "I would've said likewise if you didn't rush to smash your disgusting lips-"

"Peter! Do you mind?!" Lucy blushed as he hit Peter's side.

I walked up to them. "Peter, there are some people I want you to meet."

I moved aside, revealing Dalius, Adonis, and Aeryn.

"This is Dalius" I told him.

Dalius walked forward. "High King Peter" he said as he bowed.

"You guys look alike" Peter commented, looking at me.

"We do not!" Dalius and I said in unison.

"Alright, fine, whatever helps you sleep at night" chuckled Peter.

I moved to reveal the next person. "This is Adonis"

Adonis bowed. "It's an honor, High King Peter the Magnificent"

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