Chapter 2

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My head surfaced and I am able to breathe again. We were home. I swam to
the nearest land I could find.

"Is everyone alright?" I announced while pulling myself up and turning around to see everyone else.

To my surprise, nobody was there. Nobody at all. It was just me.

I evaluated my surroundings. It was all too familiar.

I gasped. The big waterfall stood right in front of me. It wasn't frozen, unlike last time. It was alive and flowing with water.

"Edmund? Lucy?" I called out. I had hoped to hear people shouting my name back, unfortunately, no one did.

"Anyone but Eustace!?" I called out again. "Anyone!?"
"Eustace?" I shouted hesitantly.

"This better not be the White Witch's doing again" I said as I rolled my eyes. "She is one heck of a persistent woman."

I looked around and got distracted by the environment. It was green and bursting with life. The trees were dancing, the birds were singing, it was magical. What did I expect? I was in Narnia.

Last time I was here, I was reviving the plants after the White Witches defeat. I looked in another direction. I relived the memories I had when the war was breaking out. They weren't the best memories, but they were still important to me.

I heard a rustle in the leaves. Reflexes kicked in and I turned to the direction of the sound.

The ground then started grumbling. It wasn't a heavy shake or a widespread one. It felt rather thin and narrow. As if a thin vine was wriggling underground.

I moved back the more I felt it's motion underground.

Suddenly, a daisy immediately shot up from the ground. A perplexed look formed on my face.

"That's... a bit strange" I said under my breath.

A trail of daisies then shot up from the ground. Just like the first one. As more grew, it formed a trail in the forest.

Now, I know, usually people shouldn't follow flowers that randomly appear and form a trail, but come on: how often do you see daisies trying to lead you somewhere?

I followed the daisies. Step after step, flower after flower.

After about 10 minutes of continuous following, I reached the most beautiful flower I had ever seen. It sat in the middle of the sunlight: it's petals, shined with the most beautiful shade of blue; it's leaves, curled in the most elegant shape.

"You're a beauty aren't you?" I whispered as I looked closer.

Suddenly, two thick vines shot out from the same hole the beautiful grew from. It tied me up, the petals split in half, forming millions of mouths,the size grew as it freed itself out of the ground. The once beautiful flower began to roar in the most frightening way.

Vines started shooting out of my own hands as I attempted to battle the flower.
It managed to slither to the roots of the flower, I tried pulling it, but it was too far underground.

The monstrous flower noticed what I was trying to do and trapped my own hands with it. All I was able to do was wriggle, hooping it would let me go.

The flower stopped roaring in an instant. It's grip loosened and I was able to set myself free. I jumped out of its clasp and watched as it fell over.

I noticed it bleeding. Bleeding blue blood. It was plant blood. Someone had chopped it in half.

"You are one nasty plant" said a familiar voice.

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