Chapter 12

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I woke up to see Edmund lying down beside me on the bed. It was sunrise. The rays of the sun hit his madly attractive face. Exactly how it was when we first arrived in Narnia. 

His eyes gently opened.

"What the heck are you doing in my room?" he said with a smirk.

I looked at him confused, "What are y--"

"Kidding" he said softly before he kissed my forehead.

I felt an arm slither under my waist and another slither over my waist. Both his arms pulled me towards him as he buried his head in my chest.

"It's not my fault I love you so much" he said, the voice muffled by the pillow. "You don't love anyone else, do you?" Edmund asked, with the same puppy face I love.

But I couldn't answer.

He looked back up at me. "Why aren't you saying anything?"


I . . .


. . .


I opened my eyes and saw Edmund above me. I was lying down on the hard wood of the ship's floor.

"Y/N, are you alright?!" Edmund said in a panic as he shook me.

I couldn't say anything. I only blushed as flashes of the dream flooded my mind.

"Relax, Ed! You're gonna shake her whole brain to a slushy" said Peter as he took his hands off me.

Lucy helped me sit up. "You fainted while the whole Gael fiasco thing was happening. You weren't able to eat."

"Here, have some food" Oliver said with concerns as he reached out an apple.

What is it with apples?

"N--No thank you, I've seen enough apples already." I said while massaging my temples.

"She doesn't want that, Olive Oil." Edmund pushed the apple away. He gently got a piece of turkish delight from a bowl, careful not to spill powdered sugar on me.

Edmund held the turkish delight in front of my face, ready to feed it to me.

"Pevensie, what are you doing? Have you already forgotten?" I told him, reaching for the sugared sweet.

"Forget what happened for a moment. You're hungry, aren't you?" He said.


"Then open your mouth."

He fed me the turkish delight and wiped the sugar from the edge of my mouth with his thumb.

I looked over at Adonis, who had his arms crossed, but his expression was blank.

"As adorable as you babies are," Dalius started, "I need help steering the ship."

"She's too tired to" Edmund said as he helped me stand up, my arm over his shoulder.

"I'm fine" I told him while getting more turkish delight.

"No, you need to rest, Y/N" he said, full of worry.

"She said she's okay. Let her steer" said Peter.

"No." Adonis and Edmund said in unison.

Peter held his hands up in defeat and raised his brows. "Alright, Geez"

I took my arm off Edmund's shoulder. "I have to help Dalius."

"You can't. You're too weak" said Adonis.

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