Chapter 14

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I scampered on the floor like a mouse trying to avoid the green mist.

"Get away! GET AWAY! Hideous mist!" I said, trying to shoo it away with my notebook.

"Go! Go awa--AAH!--"

"Calm down, young one" said a voice.


"And, you will. As soon as you calm down"

"Alright! Alright!" I said as I took a few deep breaths. "I'm calm."





"HELP ME" I shouted as I reached through the door.

But before I managed to touch the doorknob, I saw myself in the house again.

"Mother? Father?" I whispered to myself as I saw them sit down on the dining table.

"Mother?" I repeated. This time, louder.

"It isn't enough, Alberta" said Father with his hand massaging his temples. "We need more money"

"Mother, it's me..." I said as I walked up to them.

"We're taking care of three children now. We have to make due." Mother replied.

"Mother please listen" and nudged them gently on their arm.

It has always been like this, right?

No matter what I do...

Whether it be eating your sweets..

Or teasing Edmund and Lucy...

You never pay attention...

Not anymore..

Do you, Mother? Father?

"My poor, poor, child" the same voice said from behind me. She placed her light fingers on my shoulder and rubbed it gently as she pulled me into her.

The embrace wasn't warm, but it was the first embrace I've ever gotten for months.

"You would do anything for your parents to notice you, isn't that right, Eugene?"

"My name is Eusta--"

"Isn't that right Eustace?" She said with some coughing.

I pushed her away... Or I tried to.

"I... I--I am perfectly satisfied with how they treat me as their son and do not need---"

"If only you had some money. Don't you think?"


"They would definitely start paying attention to you again..."

They... Would?

"They would lavish you with love and affection. All the attention you want. They would appreciate your intelligence. Wouldn't you like that? Eug... Eustace?"


"Good. Good. One of your group's destination is an island filled with gold. You are free to choose whichever one you like and take it with you."

"Really?" I asked.


I smiled.

"But, in return, you must get me a sword. Specifically, the sword that belongs to one of the Lord's. The one King Caspian is after."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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