Chapter 8

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"But, there's no one there, Mother?" said the young Valerie as she turned around.

"Hm, forget about it" said the raspy voice in the river.

I took a closer look at Valerie. She was so young. As young as Peter when we first discovered Narnia.

"You know what to do, my beautiful Valerianna?" said the voice.

I looked at the river, but no one was there. No one physical at least. An outline of a woman could be seen in the water. Not quite the whole image, but the little details from the folds of her face, to the shape of her body could be seen.

"Yes" said the girl. "But, I-I don't want to do this . . . I don't even love-"

"Hush, child. You don't know what you want. You are to do as I say."

Valerie stayed silent. Anyone with a brain could tell there was inner conflict going on in that mind of hers.

"Oh, my sweet Valerie, you love Mommy, don't you?"

Valerie looked surprised, as if such a question offended her. "Why, of course, Mother! I would do anything to-"

"Then do this for your me!" yelled the woman in the water. Valerie flinched at the sudden tone. "My wretched sister may be frolicking in her slippery ice throne, but once I rule, her era will be put to shame!" cheered the woman victoriously.

All was quiet.

Valerie broke the silence. "Mother, you aren't doing this just for revenge and power, are you?"

"My sweet, how bad of a mother do you think I am?"

"No! No, I don't think that . . . it's just . . . you're a liiiittle power-hungry, that's all" Valerie explained.

"Oh, my dear, power and revenge has a delicious flavor. Once you have a taste, you can never get enough."

"Yeah, but-"

"And do not question my motives ever again as your mother. Should I start comparing myself to how my sister was as a mother?"

"No, mother. I appreciate you."

"Those are the words I like to hear."

Valerie began drawing shapes in the snow.

"Valerie, my child, you must do this. For me?"

The girl looked at her mother in the water and smiled. "For you, mother."

"Good. Now, the plan is back in motion."

What plan?


Adonis and Edmund introduced themselves to each other.

"Hello, High King Edmund The Just." said Aeryn as she bowed.

Edmund looked surprised. "Well, finally, someone got it right." he smiled. "Nice to see you again, Aeryn."

"And, this is Dalius" I introduced.

Edmund looked at him, looked at me, then shook his head. "Hello, Dalius."

"Hello, High King Edmund the Just" Dalius said with a bow.

"You know, I could get used to this" Edmund whispered to me.

I giggled. "Oh, Ed, get your head out of your a-"


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