Chapter 1

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"Hello," I knocked on the door, "is anybody home?"

The door opens and I'm greeted with Eustace's 'welcoming' face

"What" he grumbled.

"Busy with your insects, I bet?" I asked with a sarcastic grin.

"Yes" he scoffed. 

His breath hit my face and I formed a foul expression.

"Are you- eating Mrs. Alberta Scrubb's sweets again?" I questioned him while coughing, "You know Edmund and Lucy are always getting blamed because of you."

"No" he scoffed again, this time making sure he's turned away, probably so that I couldn't smell his horrid breath. "I would never do anything of that sort."

I rolled my eyes. "Are your cousins home?" I ask while barging in and made my way to their room. 

"Hey- hey! You cannot just come in here-" he said as he was following, attempting to stop me, "Father! Fath- Y/N!"

I headed upstairs and reached Ed's and Eustace's room and opened the door. A disappointed frown formed on my face as I opened Edmund's room and see no one inside. I close the door and make my way to Lucy's room. 

"I'm home, Hello!"

The sound of Lucy's voice made me run to the stairs. 

"Why you little—"

"Father, he's going to hit me!" said Eustace while Edmund charged towards him.

"Oh please," I scoffed, "You've been around bugs for too long, you're becoming one."

Edmund looked up at the sound of my voice and a huge grin formed on his face. "Y/N!" 

We both ran towards each other and shared a sweet embrace. 

Eustace stood up and dusted himself. 

"When did you arrive?" asked Edmund in excitement, "I can't believe you're actually here. How are your studies in Cambridge? Are you free? Do you have any exams? Did you miss m-" 

"Relax, Ed," I laughed, "I'll answer all your questions later."

"Y/N!" said Lucy.

I continued down the stairs and hugged her too. 

"Hey, Lu. Any message from Susan and Peter?" I asked. 

"Yes, actually! Look at this!"

All three of us huddled together to read the message. We then heard Mr. Scrubb grumble behind the news paper.

A smile formed on Eustace's face, "See father? See!"

We rolled our eyes and headed to Lucy's room.

Susan's letter: "I do wish you were here with us. It's been such an adventure and nothing like our times in Narnia. America is very exciting... except we never see father. He works so very hard. I was invited to the British Console's tea party this week by a naval officer who happens to be very handsome. I think he fancies me. It seems the Germans have made the crossing difficult right now. Times are hard. Mother hopes you both won't mind another few months in Cambridge."

"Another few months?!" Edmund let out a frustrated groan.

"How will we survive" sighed Lucy.

I walked over to the bed, sat beside Edmund, and slid my hand around his waist, giving him a side hug. I knew that they hated living with the Bertas.

"You're lucky. At least you have your own room. I'm stuck with mullet mouth. Edmund looked at me, "It's a good thing you're here, Y/N. I would've hated if you had to stay in Finchley... you only get to visit us once or twice a week."

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