Chapter 9

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"Y/N, come over here" whispered Lucy.

"What is it?" I asked asked as Lucy called me over.

"I... I know where they are..." Said a faint little voice from behind the wooden planks.

I looked around making sure nobody else was listening. I didn't want anyone to make rash decisions.

"You do?" I asked. "Where are—"

"What are you—ow!"

I looked beside me. It was Edmund and I had just elbowed his jaw.

"Geez, Ed! I told you to stop doing that multiple times already! You alright?"

"Oh, me?" He replied as he was feeling his jaw with a concerned look on his face. "Just swell."

I sighed in relief. "Good. For a moment there—"

"No, literally. My jaw is swelling" he said.

"O—oh . . . Oops."

"Yeah, oops indeed" he said with a smirk. "Sorry for startling you, I just wanted to make sure . . . Nevermind."

"Wait, what? You just wanted to make sure of what?" I asked with my arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.

Does this guy not trust me?

"Nothing! Forget it. Obviously nothing's wrong so let's get a move on—"

"No, Edmund. Tell me. Do you not trust me? Is that it?"

"G—Guys now is really not the t—" Lucy tried stopping us.

"No! It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I . . . I'm . . . I—"

"Insecure?" I interrupted.

"Pffft, insecure? What? Me? What's there to be insecure about?"

"Oh, I don't know; Adonis?"

"Yeah?" answered Adonis from the back.

Edmund turned around. "I wasn't talking to you."

He faced me again. "I totally trust you. Just not around other guys . . ."

I scoffed and rolled me eyes "Not around other guys? I'm not easily swayed, Edmund."

"You're not easily swayed? First day of meeting each other you we're totally flustered when I rescued you from that hole."

"Hey listen here, don't talk to me about being easily swayed when you betrayed your family just for Turkish Delight!"

"Guys, please!" Lucy said as she got between us.

The door creaked open and a little girl revealed herself creating soft footprints behind her.

"I.. I can tell you where they are..." she whispered shyly.

I slowly walked closer to her so she doesn't get scared.

"I'm Y/N" I introduced gently while kneeling down to her level. "May I know your name?"

"My name is Gael" she said, a bit more confident.

"Hello, Gael" greeted Lucy as she walked closer. "My name is Lucy."

"And that boy there is Edmund?" she asked, pointing at Ed.

"You're correct" Edmund remarked.

"Gael, can you please take us to them?" I asked.

Split Thy Soul (Edmund x Reader II)Where stories live. Discover now