Chapter 5

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"Here are some blankets, your majesty." Aeryn said as she laid on a wooden table: a big cloth that looked like different parts of clothing stitched together. "I know it isn't silk and satin, but it's what we've got."

I smiled, "This is all I need, Aeryn. Thank you. And, again, call me Y/N."

"Oh, right, Y/N. Sorry." she chuckled.

"Thank you for letting us stay in your cottage. It's beautiful."

"Please, your majes-Y/N, there isn't any need to be humble. I would've invited you somewhere more fit for royalty if we could."

I smiled. "You prefer the silence, I assume?"

She paused, "Something like that." Aeryn curtseyed, reached for the doorknob and she turned around. "Call me when you need me-"

"Actually, I do have some questions."

Aeryn paused for a moment and slowly walked to the table and sat down.

"That guy-Adonis-what's his deal?" I asked.

"Oh, erm, don't mind him," she chuckled. "Stay a few days and he'll loosen up."

"But, why is he so angry? What did we ever do? Why does he keep saying that 'we left them'? I don't understand, Aeryn. Narnia was flourishing with life and festivals the last time we were here. It still is, but now, there are angry people who hate me."

"Oh, don't take all the weight, Y/N. You're not the only one they hate."

Well, gee, that makes everything better.

Aeryn did a nervous laugh after seeing my expression. "Heh heh . . . Sorry."

"It's fine," I sighed. "I just want to know where I-we went wrong."

Aeryn looked around like a fox evaluating it's surroundings. After she saw that the room was clear, she leaned in closer and whispered: "The green mist."

"The green mist?" I repeated. "That's it?!"

"No, your majesty, you don't understand. People have been disappearing at sea because of it. Many people, especially from the Lone Islands, are blaming the Royal Family. War has been breaking out in it's neighboring towns and Islands, but for some reason, King Caspian hasn't done anything about it."

"At sea? So fishermen are victims to it?"

"Not only fishermen, Y/N."

"What do you mean?"

"Not long after your disappearance, the green mist crept closer and closer to the Lone Islands. One night, the whole Island was completely covered in it. Many people were shouting, praying, and begging for help. They were all expecting the Royal Family. But, since you disappeared, nobody came. Nobody came and then they disappeared."

"That is terrible."

"Indeed," she sighed. "Dalius and Adonis' family was victim to it."

"No wonder . . ."

She nodded her head. "Especially Adonis. He lost his entire family to the green mist. Dalius lost his mother to the mist. They barely escaped, but they made it. Soon enough, they met me. Then they forme-Then they hated the Royal Family ever since."

"What about Dalius' father?"

"He's still around. He's lives in this very forest, too. Dalius visits often."

"I can't believe something so terrible happened to them . . . "

"Aye. It affected Adonis greatly. He really looked up to you guys. He told me it felt like ten thousand knives in the back."

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