Chapter 4

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"You look ravishing" bowed the navy man. He offered his hand to me.

"Oh, thank you" I said and gracefully placed my hand on his. "Edgar Schwartz, right?"

"Indeed" he said with pride.

We walked along the elegantly designed party. There were sophisticated ladies and people of high positions seen in different parts of the place.

The gentle breeze blew the green grass and made the trees dance. It reminded me of Narnia.

A man, who looked no older than sixty, approached us with his wife.

"Ah, Edgar," exclaimed the husband, "you're here! And, this is the young lady?"

"She's like a porcelain doll!" the mother commented.

"Yes, this is Susan Pevensie" said Edgar.

I offered my hand to shake."It's wonderful to meet you . . . ?"

"Oh, my apologies, I am Gerald Schwartz and my wife, Amelia Schwartz." introduced the man.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr and Mrs Schwartz." I curtsied.

"The pleasure is all ours, dear." smiled Amelia.

"Shall we go to our table?" asked Edgar.

"Yes, of course" answered Gerald.

We all walked to a table with four seats. In front of each seat was a cup of tea and toast in the middle. We all sat down.

"So, you're from England?" asked Gerald.

"Indeed" I answered.

"What's it like there?" asked Amelia.

"Well, currently, a lot of young men and preparing for battle and leaving their families" I said before taking my first sip of tea.

"That is very sad" said Gerald. "To think they may never see their families again or even have a family."

"It really is a shame" said Edgar as he wiped his mouth with a cloth napkin.

The mother, Amelia, looked at me with a teacup in hand."Say, what do you think about family, Susan?"

"Oh, it is a beautiful thing" I answered. "I have two siblings back in England and one currently studying in-"

"No, she means marriage. What do you think about marriage?" interrupted Edgar.

"Marriage?" I repeated. I was starting to get suspicious. I knew he probably fancies me. . . but, marriage?

All three pairs of eyes were focused on me. Waiting for an answer.

"It's . . . Lovely" I replied. Trying to cover my face with the teacup as I went in for a sip.

"Well, then, you would mind if I asked for your hand in marriage?"

I choked on my tea.

"Excuse me?" I was in a rush to wipe my mouth and wipe my dress from the tea that spilled.

"Oh, for goodness sakes, girl, he wants to marry you!" Gerald snapped. It startled me, I have to admit

Amelia laid her hand on his back "Gerald, temper!"

Gerald cleared his throat and fixed himself, obviously feeling embarrassed, and leaned in. With a calmer tone, he said: "He wants to marry you"

I stayed silent. I was stunned. I didn't know how to react.

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