chapter 10: upcoming plans

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"Well, uhm, could you untie Reichtangle or am I gonna do it myself?" I asked France and Britain.

"Oh! Right.." France quickly untied Reich and stepped back.

I sighed. "What in the world were you thinking?! Reich didn't harm anyone nor planned to!"

"Yet." Britain replied.

I can't believe it. Why would they even do such a thing?! Reich didn't harm anyone while I was present, and they think that he would cause something when I'm not around? That's just stupid.

I approached Reichtangle and gave him a big hug. He was startled, but hugged back soon.

"Did they do anything to you, Reich? Did they hurt you?" I asked him with worry. He shook his head.

"Thank god! Well, anyways, maybe it was a bad idea to leave you alone.." I mumbled.

"We're sorry for our actions Y/N, but you have to understand. He's a powerfull and dangerous country that can harm anyone whenever he wants to. We were trying to protect the others from him. I hope you can forgive us." France calmly said.

"Well, you were trying to do the right thing, so of course I can't be mad at you. But please, just give him a chance? I promise he won't harm anyone!" I answered. France nodded and asked for britain's approval.

He thought for a while, but agreed. I was so happy! I was gonna be able to show them that Reichtangle has changed!

I hugged Reichtangle again. He was even more suprised, but still hugged back.

"*Ahem*, sorry to ruin the moment, but me and Y/N have to talk." I suddenly hear my dad's voice. I looked to the side and see his calm figure in the doorway.

I let go of Reich and leave the room with an anxiuos face. We go to the living room and sit against eachother.

"Y/N.." My dad starts. Oh well, if he's gonna ask about the countries, i'm sure as hell will burst into a bunch of stuttering.

"I'm really proud of you! You finally got a job! Now you'll have something to do!" He continues with excitement.

"But.. how are there more flagged humans in my house?" He asked. I started panicking.

"w-well, uhm, y-you see.. uhm... they appeared t-the same way Reich did! It's pretty obviuos.." I said while thinking of a response.

"Well, we don't have enough room to keep all of them. And since you're gonna have a job soon, I was thinking about moving you out at some time." Dad finished.

"You want me to move out?" I ask him hesitantly.

"I-i mean, when you're ready, of course!" He shakes his head.

"Dad! I barely started work and you want me to leave already?? I don't even have enough money on me to afford rent!" I exclaimed.

He flinched from my loud response, but continued.

"Look, it would be best if you could move out as fast as you can, since we have no idea how much time we have until all of them turn into humanoid figures. I'm not saying that you have to move out today, I'm just saying that you'll have to move out eventually." He calmly finished. I seemed to also calm down.

"Alright then. So, Charlie said that I'll start work at monday, does that mean that I'll get my payment at the end of the week?" I asked him.

He simply shook his head and chuckled.

"I see that you haven't paid attention in class. No, you'll get your payment at the end of the month. Your sallary depends on how well you performed at work. Sure, you can slightly cheat and get more money while doing nothing, but there are people that like to snitch on you." He replied.

"Oh! Sorry, I.. sort of forgot" I replied, scratching my neck.

"It's alright, sweetie, everyone makes mistakes." He reassured me.

"Is everything alright, Y/N? You haven't returned in a while." Suddenly I hear France say.

I quickly turn around and she her with a worried face. I shake my head.

"Yes! I didn't even notice how much time has passed, really!" I reply to her, watching her expression change.

"Oh thank god, we were all worried about you! Well, it was Reichtangle and me mostly." She said the last part more quietly, but I still heard it and felt my cheeks warm up. I touched them and realized that they're much warmer than usual. Oh god, I was blushing again!!

We quickly left dad in the living room and went over to my room. There, I saw that Reichtangle was sitting on my bed, and it looked like he was really worried. France quickly coughed, which got everyone's attention. They turned towards her, and saw that I was by her side.

Reichtangle quickly stood up and hugged me so hard I swear I could've fainted. "Reich, you're choking me." I quickly say. He loosens his grip on me and I take a few deep breaths, hugging him back.

He releases me from the hug and starts asking the same questions everyone else did.

"Guys, guys! Calm down. We were just discussing my future plans, and I didn't even notice that we talked for so long until France approached us!" I quickly explained.

"It's true! I also overheard them talking about Y/N moving out soon. Apparently her father fears that we all will turn into our humanoid selves one day, and we'll have no place to stay in, considering that there's a lot of us." France adds.

"Wait, you heard it all?!" I exclaim. She nods.

"I'm sorry for ruining your privacy, but I couldn't just miss this opportunity to get some info." France replies, feeling quite embarrased about her actions.

"Well, there's no turning back now, but please don't do this again." I beg France. She simply nods.



Hey so, sorry for not uploading, but I got back to writing my country reader book, and now I have more inspiration to continue!

Anyways, see ya'll in the next update ✌️😀

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