chapter 6: life changing event?

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As I was hugging a human-form Reichtangle, my dad opened my rooms door. It was akward. He was surprised and amazed, while I was terrified of his response.

He just chuckled and said: "what an akward situacion."


"So, you're not scared that the countries can turn into humans?" I slowly ask him.

We were currently in my room, sitting on my bed.

He shakes his head. "I knew something wasn't right when I saw them. They literally are spheres, covered in flags."

How was he so chill when seeing an already alien-ish character turn into a more alien-ish creature?!

"Apologies for interrupting your conversation, but, we can literally hear what you're saying." Britain interrupted.

"It's not very nice calling me a creature y'know." Ame interrupted. "It hurts my ego.." he dramatically added.

Dad chuckled, while I sat, blushing in embarrasment.

"Anyways, hun, can I speak to ya in private?" Dad asked. I nodded, feeling uneasy. Sure, dad was a chill person, but he always becomes seriuos when something happens.

We exited my room, I look back and see Reich with a worried grin. He noticed my glance and gave me a thumbs up. I nodded, feeling a bit less nervous.


After reaching the living rooms sofa, I sat down on it, dad sitting down next to me.

He sighed. That's not a good start if you ask me.

"Hun, I- I know it was difficult for you to achieve something when mom was around, but, she's gone. You can now get a job, get a house! Cuz I won't be taking care of ya forever, when I die, you're gonna be on your own. You're gonna have to make your own money, and maybe take care of your own family." Dad finished. I was confused, usually, he would just rant about stuff like life of young adults who live with their parents, money shortage, but nothing like this! Maybe he grew sick of me ignoring his rants?

"Where are you going with this?" I asked. I hope it's nothing seriuos.

"Well, I asked my boss if she'd let you work for her, and ahe said that would love to have an assistant!" He replied with joy.

"Dad I- Whait WHAT?!" I basically screamed the last part. "Y-You can't just sign me up for something I know nothing about, without my decision!!" I replied with anger.

He seemed to notice the change in my tone.

"Oh don't overreact, hun, it's nothing big! You'll just help her with whatever she asks you to." He calmly replied.

I couldn't believe it. He just casually forced me into work, without me knowing anything about it.

"Dad, you can't just force into something I know nothing about." I sigh.

"I know, but, you have to move on. Look forward to the future, not back at the past." He replied. Guess he does understand.

I stand up from the sofa, he does the same. Guess I'll have to tell the countries about this. I wonder if they'll be fine without me.


I slowly open the door and see Reichtangle looking at the countries. He didn't seem to noticeme until I stepped into the room. He slightly jumped in surprise but calmed down after seeing that it was just me.

"What were you talking about?" Reich asked.

I sighed, he seemed to understand that I wasn't happy of sharing the news with him, or anyone in this room.

"It's about my employment status. Dad signed me up for a job I know nothing about, he says that I shouldn't worry about it, but how can I not!? I literally knew nothing about it." I reply.

He hugs me, I return the hug. Everytime i'm surounded by his arms, I feel so safe. I don't know why, but, I just feel like it.

Annnd finally another chapter!! I am so happy, I had so many ideas, and now I can share them with ya!

Also, you finally get a job you lazy couch potato haha noob

this is a callout from a 12 yo who lives with her parents.

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