Special chapter: birthday party

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This chapter isn't canon. It's in the distant future, so you decide how old y/n is.

I would also like to say that this chapter doesn't have naything important and related to the plot of the book, so you skip this chapter if you'd like.


It's currently 8 in the morning. I was just woken up by Reichtangle, who seemed pretty excited for today. I mean, it is my birthday, but I don't make such a big fuss over it nowadays.

I decided to take a quick shower, because it makes me feel better about myself and calms me down.

I finish my shower and exit the bathroom, heading for the closet to pick out an outfit to wear for today. I decided to go with something more fancy. It's nothing much, just [insert some clothes].

I then went to kitchen, to see Reichtangle, France and England arguing over something again. America and Canada were trying to wake up Russia, who probably stayed up drinking with Soviet again. Speaking of Soviet, he was awake, reading a book. How odd, even at such a state in the house, he still managed to remain sane. The other countries were doing their own things, most of them were still sleeping, though. Including Lithuania and the rest of the europian continent.

I sat down on one of the bar stools and waited till the argument calmed down before talking.

"Bloody hell, why do we always end up arguing about everything? Most of it being about y/n." Britain huffs.

"I do have to agree. I understand that it's mostly coincidental, but I still feel like they just put us in these situations where we have no choice but to bicker." France replies.

"You are aware that i'm right here." I say with a bored expression.

The trio then turns toward me and their faces shift into embarrasment, fear and.. amusement?

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it!" France exclaims in fear.

"It's true, she was just stating facts." England quickly added.

"Looks like we'll finally have an end to this arguement." Reichtangle calmly says.

"Guys, calm down! I understand that you don't mean it. But still, you do argue a lot about stuff. And i'm guessing this time it has something to do wity my birthday?" I raise a brow.

"Correct. We just couldn't decide on who would make the desserts and prepare the party." France responds.

"Can't you guys just make different desserts? Or sort the tasks into three groups?" I ask.

"We didn't have time to think about that." England says, visibly embarrased.

"But I did." Reichtangle calmly replied. "You just didn't listen to me."

"Again?" I ask the trio.

"How about we listen to y/n's idea? It sounds pretty good in my opinion!" France quickly changed the subject.

"Sounds like a good plan." Reichtangle responded, still a little frustrated that they didn't answer y/n's question.

---In the meantime, while the trio was preparing for the party, Y/n had made their way to Mike's house to hang out---

"Hey happy birthday! I'm still pretty shocked you chose me to hang out with over than anyone else." Mike akwardly smiles.

"Oh it's nothing. I barely have any friends except you! So you were like, my only option." I reply.

We stood there for a few seconds, akwardly, before he let meinto his house. I forgot how big his house was, actually. The living room was as messy as last time, but it seems that he actually put effort into tidying it up, which i'm really proud of!

"Do you want anything to drink? I can make us some coffee or tea." He asks.

"Do you have any [f/d]?" I quickly ask.

"It appears I just bought that this morning." He chuckles and takes the drink out, handing it to me. I thank him and sit down on the sofa opposite the TV.

"You wanna play mario kart?" He asks, sitting beside me. I nod, grabbing a controller.

--A couple of hours have passed after Y/n left the countries. The party was almost done, and the countries were beyond excitement. The only task left was to decorate the cake--

"Alright, now that the cake has cooled down, we can put the icing." Britain instructed.

"We're not that dumb, old man." America huffed, grabing the icing.

"Careful! We don't want to remake the cake in such a short time." France panicked.

"Relax, i'll be careful." America replied, starting to ice the cake.

"While he does the icing, how about we check for any signs of Y/n?" Reichtangle suggests.

"You can do that if you want. They said they'll be here in about 10 minutes, so we have plenty of time." Britain replied.

For once, they were getting along. It was still very strange for the second Reich, he felt like they had just argued an hour ago and now they're working together.

He went to check on the front when he saw Y/n in the corner of his eye. Panicking, he quickly went back to the kitchen.

"They're almost here." He said, which caused everyone to speed up their work, especially America, who was still icing the cake.

"Give me that." France instructed America, grabbing the icing from him and quickly finishing the cake.

The front had just been open and voice had called out.

"I'm home! Is the party ready?"

"Indeed it is!" America approached Y/n, giving them a big hug.

"Happy birthday again! Hope you'll like the cake we made." He wrapped an arm around them.

"Knowing you guys, something has had to go wrong. Hopefully it isn't the cake." Y/n chuckled and went over to the other countries to celebrate.


I ran out of ideas and time for this chapter, so i'll end it here! Hope you all enjoyed it and have a very nice day!

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