chapter 9: oh dear..

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I stood up from my seat and thanked ms.Charlie for this opportunity. She simply smiled and nodded.

I walked out of her office with a confident face. Now, should I wait for dad to drive me home? Or should I walk by myself? He said that he'll try to quickly finish his work and drive me home, but I'm not so sure about that.

As I was approaching the reception desk, filled with panic.. I can't do this! I'd rather wait for dad than to ask for his office location.. but I have to.. it's my current task!

I walked over to the desk and the nice ladies that dad was talking to seemed to notice. "Hello! May I help you with something?" One of them asks.

I nod. "Y-yes.. I'd like to know where D/N L/N's office is located?" I ask.

She nods and types something into her laptop. "This floor, room 68" she replies. I nod and turn around, looking for that room.

it took about 5 minutes to find it, but, at least I found it! I hesitantly knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard a mumbled voice. It sounded like my dad, so I opened.

"oh? Honey, I expected for your interview to take longer." Dad replied with a surprised expression. "Oh.. well, I just came here to ask, if you're done with your work." I said.

He thought for a moment. "I don't have a lot of work left, so you can wait for me outside my office or in the car." He replied and gave me the car keys. I took them and left the office.


I approached the car and took out the keys from my pocket. I unlocked the car and sat down at the passenger seat. I took out my phone and remembered, that I would text Reich to see if everything's alright.
I sended a message to Reichtangle, asking if everything's alright. I shouldn't expect a fast reply, since Reich still doesn't clearly know how modern technologies work.

I sat in silence for a couple of minutes, before deciding to talk to Poland and Lithuania.

I took them out of my pocket and placed them in my palms.

"Do you think something happened to Reich? I'm not sure if I did the right thing by giving such a responsibility to him." I asked with a worried face.

"Oh, so now you're worried! Look, I know you had no other choice, and Reichtangle seemed to be more trusting than any of us, but you shouldn't just give him such a huge responsibility! He may even cause a third world war!" Poland exclaimed with anger.

"Ok ok, I know my mistake, and I'm sorry!!" I quickly apologised.

"You know, you won't change anything now, but think about it in the future. I know, we shouldn't be blaming you, because we made a lot of mistakes too! But this.. is just too much." Lithuania replied with dissapointment.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that.. I was just.. in a hurry I didn't even take it into consideration." I akwardly replied.

"Well, It's either him, actually taking care of the others or.. absolute chaos." Poland thought for a moment.

As Lithuania was about to say something to Poland, I saw my dad approaching the car.

"Ok guys, we'll talk later, because my dad is coming back." I quickly explained while putting them into my pocket.

"I hope I didn't take too long, heheh" Dad akwardly asked.

I shook my head as a 'no'. He seemed to calm down.

"so.. ready to go home?" Dad asked me calmly. I eagerly nodded. I really wanted to share the news with the countries, especially Reichtangle.


We arrived at our destination - home. Finally. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and ran to the front door and waited for my dad to open it.

"Wow, you're really excited to be home?" He asked me. I simply nodded.

He chuckled and unlocked the door. I quickly took off my coat and ran into my room. But what I saw, was, uhm... how do I explain this..

Reichtangle was tied to a chair in the middle of my room, with a bored expression, while France and England- wait, whAT?! FRANCE AND ENGLAND GREW BODIES TOO??!
They were, proudly expressing how they captured Reichtangle and how he's too foolish to think that they'll simply befriend him.?

Well, guess we arrived at the wrong time. I akwardly coughed and the countries turned towards me.

"O-Oh! Y/n, what a surprise! Didn't expect you here.." France said, quietly cursing in french.

"Y-yes, uhm, I believe it's quite a bad timing for you to get back.." England added.

"Oh really?" I said with anger. They seemed to notice my harsh tone and quickly stepped back.. we're they.. scared of me? But, they're more stronger and powerfull then me!


Oop, I have no ideas on what to write next, yay

Anyways, have some art!

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