Chapter 1: Meeting

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"H-huh? Why am I here again?" I ask, turning around and seeing none other than my mom. Again.

"Why do you always bring me here?" I ask again, earning nothing but a slight chuckle, that turned into an laughter.

"Oh, hunny. You're so dense aren't you?" She replied.

I was sick of her replies. Theu told me nothing about my surroundings. This dream started ever since my mom died. She was in a car accident, and no one could save her. I was sad, but inside, I was happy. She wasn't the best person to live with, actually.

She used to tease me with my deepest secrets that I used to tell to her. She used to yell and abuse me when I was young. And once, she tried to frame me for something I didn't do.. good thing my dad was there to realize.

Ever since her death, I was more happier, and I became less deppressed. I stopped cutting my forearms, and I started eating more and more.

My dad was more happier too! He was so much nicer to me ever since she died, and I guess her death was a gpod thing for both of us. I guess you could we're creepy to say that, but it's true!

Suddenly, I woke up to my dad slightly shaking my shoulder.

"Good morning, hun. Breakfast is ready. I'll be going to work in a few minutes, so lock the door if you're going anywhere." Dad said.

"Alright, but you know I don't go out much." I replied, with a lazy smile.

He smiled back and left my room.

I got up, brushed my hair and putted my clothes, and got to the kitchen. Dad was making some pancakes with maple syrup, my favorite.

I sat down on one of the seats in the dining room, and waited for the food to come. Eventually, dad got back with two plates full of pancakes, covered in the deliciuosly sweet maple syrup.

I ate the pancakes in seconds, while my dad was smilling, eating a bit more slower than me.

"If you like my pancakes that much, you could've said it, not show it!" He chuckled. I felt a bit embarrased, but dad just chuckled more.

Eventually, he stopped and helped me with washing the dishes. Then, he got ready and left for work.

And I was, of course, alone. Again. So, I did any other teen would do:

Sit and watch youtube all day.

I sat down on the couch in the living room, and turned the TV on. Then, turned on youtube and started to search for something to watch.


I was feeling quite hung(a)ry, so I decided to check for any food, and to my surprise, there wasn't any.

So I decided to grab some money and go to the store. I picked up my wallet, my phone and keys, got dressed and walked outside after locking the house.

Then, I went to the local store and bought some snacks for myself. Wating to eat them now, I quickly paid and went back home. But, while walking near my house, I saw a cardborad box with 'do not touch' messily written on, and since I was that one person that curiosity might kill, or it would bring something good to my life, and this time.. it was the second option.

But before I could take a look, I felt something- well, someONE tug on my leg.

I looked down and saw.. a poland? It was a small ball with the Poland flag on it, but the weird thing is, the ball eyes and it could speak?

I wanyed to scream, but I didn't want to frighten the ball, so I knelt down and asked the only question I ask:

"What's your name?"

For a moment, the ball hesitated, I could tell. But then they replied with "Poland." So, I was right? The ball did look like poland, and it is named 'Poland'? "Y/N, nice to meet you, Poland." I patted the ball with my finger. At first, Poland was confused, but soon, he melted into the touch.

"Are there, uh, any more of you?" I ask, hesitantly. Poland nods. I feel a bit uneasy after the answer, but I slowly approach the box again.

"Should I open it?" I ask Poland. "If you want to, I don't mind." He replies. "Ok..?" I answer.

Slowly, I open the box and see
More balls!

But they all looked so different. One had the flag of Russia, the other of Lithuania. But the strangest of them all was a rectangle shaped person. They seemed to be the only one like that, since the others were all balls.

"Awe! They're sooo cute!" I exclaimed. I could see some balls blush, and some giggle at the compiment, but I kept my eyes on the rectangle. They seemed to notice my E/Y eyes looking at them, since the rectangle looked back me. It seemed like hours of staring, until I cleared my throat and stated: "I'm bringing younall home, whether you like it or not." Of course, I tried to hide my excitement, but it seemed to fail, since Poland just giggled at my statement and nodded.

He got up on my scarf, while I picked up the box. I totally forgot about the snacks, but seeing them, I remembered, and the hunger reappeared once again.

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