chapter 11: a newer start

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After the conversation with dad, I was certain that he won't stop asking me about moving out and taking the countries with me. Sure, he did have a point: if all the countries evolve into humanoid figures, we'll have no place to stay. But, I'm not planning to buy a huge palace where all the countries in the world could live, no! I'll just buy a small apartment or house and live there with a couple of the countries, like, UK, France, Reichtangle, Lithuania, Poland and maybe a few more! Sure, I have no idea what to do with the other countries, but I'm sure that maybe they know a place, where the rest of them could stay in.

So, after all that hard thinking, evening was already here, so, I took a shower, got into my pjs and went to bed. But before I could fall asleep, I realized that France and UK don't have beds. Well, it was actually them that reminded me, so, I quickly went to dads room and asked if we have anything that the two could sleep on. He, fortunately, had a solution and soon, we all could go to sleep.

"Hey, Y/n? Are you awake?" A voice asked me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Reichtangle was very close to my face. My cheeks instantly became red, but I managed to let out a quiet 'yes' instead of stutters. He realized the short gap between our faces and quickly stood up, slight blush covering his face, too.

"W-what did you need?" I quietly asked, so only he could hear me.

"I might have overheard the conversation you and your father had, and I might have a solution." He replies.

"O-oh. And, uhm, that solution is..?"

"Would you like to move to another country? Like, Germany for example?"

"Wait, what?! You want me to move to another country that I don't even know the language of?!" I whisper-shouted.

"Y-you won't be moving alone, Y/n! I'll come with you and help you! I.. know a place where we could stay for the rest of our lives, but, I'm just not sure if you would agree to come, or if the countries would agree to.." He replied, trying to calm me down.

"Well, I say we could, but i'm not sure if my dad would let us. I mean, plane tickets from here to Germany cost a lot, and I don't even know how much money my position makes!" I explain.

"Well, you do have a point, Y/n. But, you do know that we can't go out in public, right? People will think that we're some kind of freaks with paint all over our bodies."

"Oh right.. forgot about that. So, what now? We barely have any money, most of it is dad's, and we can't go to another country because you guys aren't human. Why is life so difficult?" I sighed.

"How about you go sleep, we'll figure something out in the morning. Besides, you have work tommorow." Reich responds, patting my head.

"Can you.. sleep with me? It's pretty hard for me to fall asleep after I'm woken up." I quietly mumble. This gets Reich off-guard. He start blushing deeply.

"S-sure, but j-just this o-once." He stutters.

I move to the other side of my bed, giving Reich a bit more space. He slowly sits down on the bed, and lays down. Akward silence fills the room.

'Why did I ask him that?! Most importantly, how did he agree?!' I thought to myself, blushing harder than Reich is.

"You know, this feels pretty akward. I'm kinda confused on why you asked me to sleep with you." He suddenly asks me, ending the silence.

"I.. don't know myself. It's just that, I like people's company. It makes me feel more comfortable, especially when I can hug them, but.. I'm not sure if you want to be hugged in your sleep." I look away, blushing.

He chuckles, then moves closer to me and embraces me in a warm hug.

"You could've just said it. I wouldn't mind, plus, you're my friend, so why would I reject such an offer?"

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