Chapter 2: A place you'll call home

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I grabed the box and putted the snacks on top of it. I hope dad won't mind company..

Small timeskip

As I rush to the houses front door, I quickly unlock it with my free hand and quickly open the door.

As I walk in, I don't see my dad, even tho his shift was over. 'He's probably being late again' I thought.

As I approached my room, I putted the box on the floor next to my bed, and I take the snacks with me as I sit down on the bed, opening my phone.

A few minutes of whispering and mumbling, the countryballs drop the box, so they could come out.

I sigh in, relief knowing that all of them were okay. I hoped of my bed and crouched near the countries.

"So, you guys can call this room 'your room', but you'll be sharing it with eachother and me." I say. They all nodded and continued to look around the place.

I noticed the rectangle country looking alone and abandoned so you crouched near him.

"Hey, what's your name?" I said in a soft and quiet voice.

The country looked at me and replied: "Guten tag, Ich second Reich." He replied in a german accent.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you!" I reply happily. He smiles and nods.

"Can I call you... Reichtangle? Just for fun?" I say hesitantly, and knowing it won't be a good decision.

He blushed at the nickname, and slowly nodded. "Sure, ich doesn't sound bad."

"Ok, I'll be leaving the room for a bit, so don't follow me, got it?" I say to the countries. They all nod.

I take the box with me as I leave the room. No one seems to mind that, or they didn't notice the box's disapearance.

As I walk out of the room, I notice my dad looking at me with confusion written on his face. "What's that? Who were you talking to? And, why are there so many balls with flags in your room?!" He asks question after question.

I sigh. "It's a box, I was talking to the countryballs, and I found them. They'll be staying in my room for now, until they get settled in." I reply calmly.

"Settled in?! Why did you bring those, those creatures into my house?!" He exclaimed.

"OUR house." I correct him. I hate it when dad calls the house only his, since we both live in it.

"Honey, you know I just want to protect you, you can never know what will happen to you. And you don't even know who they are!" He says.

"Dad, I know. But I'm almost 18, I can take care of myself." I reply. He always seems to be a chill yet overprotective father, that all kids either love or hate, or even both. "Besides, they are countryballs, and i'm sure they're all nice!" I continued to speak.

Suddenly, someone was tugging on my pants. Again. I turn around and see Poland again.

"Hey Pol, you okay?" I ask. He slightly nodded and blushed at the nickname I gave him. "Is your dad angry at us?" He asked. "I'm not sure, but he doesn't seem to mind." I reply.

"Yeah, yeah, just don't make a mess in the house or something. And be careful, you're all so small you can be squished instantly." He said with a chuckle.

"Dad! Don't scare them!" I reply with anger in my voice. He seemed to notice, as he calmed down instantly.

I went back to my room and saw the countries having conversations with eachother. How sweet. But one particular country still seemed to be alone. I let Poland go, and approach Reichtangle with a slight frown on my face.

"Hey, why are you alone?" I asked him. He sighed. "No one vants to be my friend." He said sadly. I felt so much simpathy for the country. He didn't seem to be that bad.

"Hey I'll be your friend!" I said happily, trying to light up the mood. He seemed to slight smile and blush. I giggled at his reaction and patted his head with my finger.

I yawned, knowing that today, I won't pull an all-nighter just to watch youtube. I've been doing them for almost a week now, good thing dad doesn't suspect a thing. Of course, I usually take a few naps once he's at work, but those were the only times I rested this week, so it'll be more healthy for me to properly sleep.

I got to the bathroom, locking the door. I showered and dried myself, then I putted my pj's on, and brushed my teeth. Then I went straight to my bed, but noticed that all the country balls were still on the floor. I thought for a second, until a thought came to my mind.

"Ok, how about some of you sleep on my spare pillows, while some of you sleep on the plushies next to my bed?" I said, breaking the silent whispers and mumbles. The countries nodded in agreement.

Half of the countries went to sleep on the spare pillows on your table, while the rest of them went to sleep on the F/C plushies next to the bed.

"Goodnight, everyone." I said before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. But the last thing I heard was silent 'goodnight's' and 'bye's'.

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