chapter 13: Planning pt.1 (more like taking a break)

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The day has finally came. I got my very first salary! I was so excited too!

I was just sitting in my chair, next to Charlie, who was reading some important papers. Suddenly, she turned to me, a huge smile on her face.

"Y/n, guess what."


"You got your very first salary! Congratulations!" She handed me a paper with my info on it, stating how much money I would get from my salary. I look over to the amount and my eyes widen.

'Salary: $34,000 per month'

"Charlie.. don't you think this is.. a bit too much?" I ask.

"What? Of course not! Your position is much more difficult than anyone else's, so of course you'll get a similar amount to this." She calmly exclaims.

"Aren't you happy about it?" She asks me.

"I am! But.. don't you think I should've worked harder for this?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh Y/n, you gotta stop being worried all the time! Loosen up a little! You do deserve the amount you got. Remember, you're only 18, and you're already working as an assistant for the manager, so, I see this as an absolute win!" She reassured.

"Well, I guess you're right! I kinda forgot about the last part actually." I chuckle.

"Alright alright, say, how about I give you some sort of prize for your achievement? Maybe I could release you early? Give you a day off?" She asks again.

"You don't have to do all that! But, a day off would sound pretty nice." I say, with a smirk.

Charlie giggled, pulling out some more papers from her drawer. She looked through them until she found the one she needed and starting writing on it.

"Since you'd like a day off, i'll have to make up a reason on why. Not sure if you wanna use up your vacation just for one day, right?"

"Well, uh, of course not! Nothing like that!"

"That's what I thought. Anyways, mind if I write that you got sick? I'm sure your father would be fine with it."

"Well, knowing how calm he is in any situation, I'd say go ahead." I answer. Charlie nodded and began writing something on the paper. Soon, she handed the same paper to me, which I took with no hesitation.

"Have a nice friday, see you on monday!" She smiled and waved. I waved back and left her office.

'So, what now?' I thought to myself while leaving the building. 'Should I tell dad the truth or go along with Charlie's plan? I'm sure he would find out eventually if I lied, but would he be fine with it if I told the truth? Ugh, why is life so difficult sometimes?!'


I was on my doorstep, looking for the keys, but, I couldn't find them. I looked harder, but they still weren't there. I started to panic on the inside. 'Did I actually lose them? What if someone stole them? Maybe I just forgot to bring them with me? But I was sure I put them inside my pocket, I even double checked them before going!' Multiple thoughts appeared in my head. 'Wait, everything is alright! I still got the countryballs with me, so maybe they can just unlock the door!' I locked to the window next to my left. Reichtangle was doing something in the kitchen while France was watching TV. I looked to my left and saw Britain approach the door. In a few moments, it opened and Britain stepped out. He looked to his right and slightly jumped.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to scare anyone. I just.. forgot my keys, that's all." I akwardly explain.

"Wait a minute, you came all this way just for your keys?" He asked.

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