chapter 4: secrets?

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I entered the kitchen with reichtangle on my shoulder. It barely felt that he was on it, but I didn't forget about it.

I placed reich on the counter next to the fridge, so I can take out the ingredients.

"I wonder what the others would like?" I asked reichtangle. He simply replied with:
"Make whatever you like, some of them don't even get food."

His words kinda scared me, but I shrugged it off. I took out some eggs and closed the fridge, then took out a pan. I was still wondering how reich could help me, maybe I should just ask him? But I don't wanna sound rude..

"Reich, uhm, small question, but, how exactly are you helping me?" I akwardly asked. I wasn't sure if I sounded rude or not, but I guess he understood that I was puzzled, since he just sighed.

"I guess you can see that we're not from this world. You see, we have two forms, but some of us, even have three. It's very common in our world." He replied.

Now I understood who I brought home. It was the real countryballs, maybe even the real countryhumans?! I was really shocked, since I thought that they're made-up, but I was wrong.. everyone was wrong.

"So, you're saying that, you guys can turn into human-like figures, and spheres? But I thought that's just, made-up. I thought you guys were made-up?!" I panicked. It seemed impossible and yet, it wasn't. Reich felt kinda akward after the conversation.

"Well, uhm, should I show my human form then? I'll be able to help with it only." He said. I calmed down and nodded.

Suddenly, he developed a human body. Now he was a tall, rectangle-head being, with a suit. But he looked kinda handsome- wait what?! No no no, I just meet him yesterday, I'm not falling for him!

I didn't even notice my blushing until reichtangle slightly giggled, that took my attention quite fastly.

"Is someone enjoying the view?" He replied with a smirk, tho, you couldn't see his mouth, but I knew he was smirking from the tone he spoke in.

"Wh-what? No no, i-it's just, quite unusual to see these types of things in here." I akwardly looked away. He nodded and started to prepare the breakfast, I, of course, helped.


After we finished preparing, we call all the countries to the kitchen and when they saw reich in his human form, they we're kinda pissed.

"They needed help." Was all he said. Germany lectured him on how he cannot tell secrets to strangers that he just met yesterday. I still tried to convince myself to not fall for strangers, since that would just be weird.


After we all finished eating, i added the dishes to the dishwasher, and continued to clean the kitchen. Reich went back to the kitchen to, apparently, apologise to me for telling such secret, even tho, I kinda knew already. I mean, I am in the countryhumans fandom. I accepted the apology and continued to clean, but reich decided to help once more, and I was happy! I had a cleaning buddy! Even if he didn't understand anything about dishwashers, or anything else from the 2000's technologies.

"So, like you said, the others can turn into humans too?" I asked reich while exiting the kitchen.

"Ja, but they have only one more form, unlike me." He replied with pride. I slightly giggled, and it seemed to get him off-guard, since he slightly blushed. No no! I told myself to not blush back, but I still did, and it felt kinda akward.

Well, at least watching youtube will make me forget about this moment. I hop onto the couch, and reich sits down next to me. There was an akward silence in the room until I turned on a video on youtube. A countryhuman meme, one of my favorite memes too.

While the video played, reichtangle kept asking silly questions, like: 'how did they do this?' Or 'how do they know what happened?' Or even 'how do they know how I look?!'. Yep, i did forget the akward moment, but made a new akward memory too. Maybe it was a mistake to watch countryhuman memes with reichtangle, but I can't complain about his company, it's really fun. Much better than just me watching youtube alone...

Hey! A quick chapter release! I enjoyed writing this chapter, since it has my boi, reichtangle, and the spotlight on him. And I just hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter! I may or may not write the next chapter next week, so stay tuned!

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