chapter 8: the interview

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I sat in a chair, playing with my fingers, when I heard footsteps approach me. I turned around and saw dad approaching me with a worried face.

"Turns out I'll be busy today. Will you be okay with your interview by yourself?" He asked me. I tensed up. Did he just tell me that he's leaving me all by myself in such a scary situation?!

"Dad! You can't just leave me here by myself! You told me this morning that you would be with me while I take my interview!!" I panicked.

"hey, hey! You won't be alone.. i'll still be in the building, only in a different room." He replied.

"That's not helping, dad." I said with a blank face. Damn, is he really gonna leave me to fail my interview?? Wait, why do I even care about the interview anyway? Oh yeah, responsibilities.. he really wants me to grow up, huh?

"Look, I didn't even know I was gonna work today. Turns out they mixed something up, and told me last minute. I'm sorry that it ended like this, but, I know you'll do great!" Dad finished with a determined look on his face.

Suddenly, I felt more confident in myself, as if he finally forced me to relax.. and it felt great! Now, I actually see myself winning the interview!

"Alright, I should be going now.. good luck." Dad said and kissed me on the head. I waved to him while he left. And then, I was all alone. Usually I would play with my phone, but now I was too anxiuos to do that. Then, I remembered: Poland and Lithuania are here!

I pulled them out of my pocket and started apologizing on why I rushed to put them back. "I'm really sorryyy, I wanted to say that maybe Reichtangle changed, but then dad interrupted mee!" I quickly said.

"Hey, It's alright, we understand." Poland replied. "I'm sure he believed your lie."

"Y-yeah.. he did." I said, looking down. The countries seemed to notice.

"Are you feeling down because you lied to your father?" Lithuania asked. I nodded, still looking down.

"Look, I'm sure he'll forgive you! You were trying to keep us a secret, and you didn't lie on purpose, you lied because you panicked." Poland said. His words really gave me a confidence boost.

As I was about to say something, I heard footsteps. Sounded like.. heels?! I quickly putted the countries back into my pocket and stood up. When I did, I saw a woman, in her 30s, wearing a bussiness suit with heals, with blonde hair on her shoulders and black glasses.

"Good morning! You must be Y/N L/N?" The woman asked. I simply nodded out of panic.

"Alright then, follow me" She replied. I did what she asked. And soon, we were in an elevator. Yay..

"So, Y/N, I heard from your father that you're a responsible young lady! Is that true?" The woman asked again, probably wanting to start a conversation.

"Y-yup!" I stuttered. Damn, this professional talking is so hard to achieveee!


Finally we arrived at her office. It was clean, very clean. It had two chairs placed against eachother, a laptop on the desk, and a few papers.

The woman motioned me to sit down, while sitting down herself. It was.. quite a scary experience! How do people handle them?!

"So, Y/N, I know this is a first time for you, so I'll keep the questions simple, alright?" The woman said.

I simply nodded...again.

"Oh! I totally forgot! My name is Charlie, but please call me Ms.Charlie, it gives a more..bussiness-like vibe" Charlie joked.

I slightly chuckled. Man, this woman is my boss? Guess I can call myself lucky?

"So, anyways- oh dear! You're not smiling! What's wrong? Did I do something?" Charlie quickly asked me, probably because she saw my anxiety.

"O-oh, it's nothing.." I replied. Charlie seemed to understand.

"You're anxiuos because this is new to you.. I know I know, it might look scary, but it really isn't! This profession may look boring, but it's actually fun if you try to make it that way!" Charlie explained. Now, I kinda understood why I felt anxiuos here, even when dad was with me.

"Say, do you REALLY want this job? Or did you come here to make your dad happy?" Charlie asked. I couldn't really decide on the answer. It's like, I wanted to go here, but whan I did, I wanted to leave? Should I just tell her the truth? Maybe she'll understand it, or maybe she won't..

"uhm, well, at first.. I was really surprised and all, but then I actually thought about it, and decided to try this thing out! And here we are, hahah.." I akwardly answered.

Charlie seemed to focus her glare onto mine. It seemed as if she's staring into my soul..

"Well then! I suppose I can teach you a few things and then you can start working! And, not gonna lie, i'm really excited about you!" She exclaimed. I..actually felt happy again.. haven't felt this feeling in a long time..


Oh damn, I'm posting again dpzgbzjdvvz-

anyways, you can blame school for the lack of updates, but, yea. Anyways, here's some non-related fanart!

Also, should I change y/n's appearance? I

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Also, should I change y/n's appearance? I.. kinda wanna give them eyes.. but when I tried doing that, they just looked like a male reader 👉👈

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