chapter 7: life changing event? (pt.2)

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I have no idea's for a title so, uhm, yea.


It was a new day, which meant that I was going to the interview for a job as an apprentice for my dad's boss.

I was... really nervous, like, REALLY nervous.

I was walking back and fourth in my room, panicking on how I'm going to respond to the questions. Sure, dad helped me with preparing, but I'm still scared. You see, my biggest pet peeve is failing. When I make a mistake or something similar, I start to panic and get worried really fast.

As I was walking back and fourth in my room, I felt a hand touching my shoulder. I turned around and saw my dad with a determined look on his face.

"You'll do great, I know it." He said. I simply nodded my head and hugged him. He simply hugged back.

"Don't worry about anything. She's a nice lady and she'll understand your struggle." He reassured me. I just hugged him more tightly.

"Alright, enough hugging. We don't want to be late for out interview" Dad playfully said. I just chuckled and nodded.

"Alright, dad. You can go and get ready, i'll join you in a sec" I replied. He nodded and exited the room.

I exhaled and went to the living room. Reichtangle was peacefully sleeping on the couch, ever since he turned into his 'human' form, I told him to sleep on the couch, since my room doesn't have enough space for him to sleep there.

I bent over the cushions of the couch and patted his 'cheek'. "Wake up, Reich." I whispered.

He slowly sat up and looked at my direction. "Oh, guten morgen, Y/N" he sleepily responded.

"You didn't forget about our deal, right?" I asked a bit worried.

"Of course not! I barely forget about anything!" He replied.

I exhaled. Good thing he didn't forget, since that would be nerve-wrecking.

"Alright then, I'll you in charge of the house and the countries. Remember, if at least one of them starts a war, you're sleeping on the floor." I said with in a seriuos tone.

"Yes, of course, I won't let anyone start a war, even if they want to" Reichtangle reassured me. I nodded confidently and hugged him.

"I'll be back in a few hours, so if you need any help, or you're bored, text me over the family phone." I told him, while pointing at a mobile phone, that sat on the counter near the front door.

"Why can't I call you?" Reichtangle asked.

I tensed up. I really didn't like answering phone calls, since they gave me severe anxiety. I hated calling people, so I usually just texted them.

"Oh! Uhm, because you never know if I'll be taking the interview or not! It could interrupt the conversation and texting is just better." I lied. Well, it wasn't a full lie, since it is true, that it would interrupt a conversation.

"Oh, I didn't think of that." Reichtangle said, akwardly scratching the back of his neck, slightly blushing.

"Don't worry! Anyways, dad's waiting, so, got to go." I quickly replied, while exiting the room and grabbing my coat.

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