chapter 12: wörk

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These past few days have been.. interesting, to say the least.

Durring my job, I learned a bit more about how to comunicate with new people and how to act more profesional. Thanks to Charlie and her kindness, I was able to become a great assistant in just one day! But, it did came with a price.

I would always come home later than I wished. Either because Charlie wanted me to work extra, or because I was too slow at my job.

My dad always noticed my exausted state, but shrugged it off as a 'you're just not used to it yet' kinda thing. While Reichtangle, was the complete opposite. He always made sure I went to bed on time and woke up right before the alarm rang. And I would always wake up to the smell of freshly made coffee. I was greatful to have such a caring companion. Very greatful.

Sure, he was always caring for me, but that didn't help as much as I wished it would. Oh boy, if only he knew what actually happens at work.

[now I will be using itallics, because this is a flashback from work :)]

"Y/n, be a good girl and bring me a coffee! I'm almost done with the paperwork, so be quick." Charlie said.

I quickly nodded and ran down to the break room to use the coffee machine.

"Oh! Hey, Y/n! Is Charlie asking for coffee again?" One of my co-workers asked.

"Yup, the usual. You know how mad she can get whenever she runs out of coffee." I quickly respond, waiting for the cup to fill up.

"Well, you better hurry then. I won't waste your time anymore." They said, while exiting the room.

I nodded, seeing that the cup was full of coffee, I quickly followed my co-worker out of the room. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into someone, spilling a bit of Charlie's coffee on my shirt.

"Hey, watch it you- oh, hey dear! You should be more careful next time, just look at your shirt!" I quickly look up and see my dad looking down at me, with a worried expression.

"Sorry, dad! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.." I slightly mumbled. His expression softened as he patted my head.

"Be more careful next time. I'll see you at home." He said, leaving me behind.

I picked up my pace and approached Charlie's office. I knocked on the door three times, after hearing a soft 'come in', I entered. She was sitting in her chair, staring directly at me. The eye contact was too much for me, so I looked down.

"Y/n. You're late. I had to wait for you for 10 minutes. Where have you been?" She sternly asked, her voice changing from a soft and bubbly to a low and seriuos one.

"I'm sorry I was late, Charlie. I accidentally bumped into my dad and spilled a bit of your coffee on myself." I looked back up at her. Her expression slightly softening.

"If you say so. So, I guess you need a new shirt now. Come, I always carry some spare one's with me in case something like this happens." She stood up and opened a door on the left side of her office. I entered after her and saw another office, but this one was much bigger, and much more.. break room-like.

"This is where I usually spend my breaks. You probably never saw it, but that's okay. Only a few people know about this place. It's usually locked up and used for special ocassions only, but.. it's in MY office, so I do whatever I want with it." She calmly explains. A few minutes pass and Charlie finally finds what she was looking for - a white button-up shirt. She hands it over to me leaves the room. I quickly put it on and leave the room.

"Hmm, looks like you're gonna have to stay a bit longer again. I hope you don't mind." She gives me a close-eyed smile.

I want to tell her that I would rather eat glass then stay here till 11 pm, but I don't, and instead just akwardly nod.

She notices my expression changing, but decides to not say anything. She tells me what I need to do and leaves the office.

I sigh and start the tasks, hoping for them to not take that long.


I was wrong. This time, in fact, it took even LONGER than it was supposed to take. And whose fault do you think it was? Mine of course!

I had to walk home on foot. Alone. In the dark. Thank god there were no creeps around, or else the cops would've been needed.

I walked as quickly as I could, always looking behing me, just in case somone decided to follow me. And when I was near my house I started running. Running as fast as I could, so I could get to safety and not worry about anyone following me. Sure, it sounds stupid, but I was VERY paranoied.

[End of flashback]

These days usually ended being like this, sometimes a bit different, but they always ended up the same. Me, running to house late at night.

My father didn't think much of it. He told me that I'll get used to it at some point, but I didn't believe him. Reichtangle always gave me the best advice he could, sometimes he would give multiple. Poland and Lithuania reacted to this the same way Reichtangle did. Except, they were more helpfull with the 'coming home' part, while Reich helped with the 'work' part more.


Ok, this is more of a filler chapter while I think of ideas. Feel free to leave suggestions for what could happen in future chapters, it would make it much easier for me to release them faster!

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