Chapter 3: a new start

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"Why do you keep sending me here?!" I reply, getting sick of these dreams repeating themselves.

"So that you can suffer just like I do. I want you to feel my pain by not understanding anything and going crazy." She replied with a giggle and an evil grin on her face.

"Ugh, I knew that it was gonna be easier without you!" I yell at her. She doesn't seem to react as I wanted.

"Tsk, how pathetic of you, hun. You haven't learned anything." She replied, fake disapointment written all over her face.

"I don't care! You're the worst mother anyone could have! What good did you even do to me?!" I yell back at her. She seems to ignore me now. Great.

Suddenly, everything fades to white, and I open my eyes to see my room. And the countryballs. I turn to the plush toys and see some of the countries already chatting and giggling. I wonder why they woke up so early? Oh yeah, timezones. Guess the balls have them.

"Good morning." I say lazily, stretching my arms.

"Ah, good morning, mate." Australia replied. He seemed to just woken up after me. I slowly rose from my bed and walked over to my closet to pick out today's clothes.

I picked out a F/C T-shirt, a S/F/C (second favorite color) hoodie, and black pants. After picking them out I went to the bathroom to take a shower and dress up.

Small timeskip

I got out of the bathroom holding my pjs. I putted them away and grabbed my phone. I started scrolling throught F/A (favorite app).

"What are you doing?" Suddenly asked Lithuania. He seemed to have recently reached my shoulder, since his voice was so loud near my ears.

"Oh! Just scrolling through F/A, it's a cool app. You should check it out!" I exclaimed, showing him the feed of F/A.

"Oooo, interesting!" Lithuania exclaimed. Seems like he too, likes the app.

"What are you guys doing?" Said Russia, in a visible russian accent.

"We're looking at F/A! It's a really cool app." Lithuania replies.

"Oh. Have you guys seen Ame?" He asks. I guess he means America, since no one else seems to fit under that nickname other than America.

"Dunno, probably chatting with other countries?" I reply unsurely. Russia just nods and hops off the bed. How does he not get hurt? I mean, the bed is kinda high for them.

"Uh, Y/N?" Lithuania asks. I hum in response. "Do you leave the house often?" He asks hesitantly.

"No? Why do you ask?" I ask.

"Oh! It's just that, I'm not sure if we'll be able to take care of ourselves without you! Before you found us, chaos was everywhere! The nordics and other baltics tried to remain neutral, but it didn't work sometimes." Lithuania replies.

"Oh, well, I suppose you're glad that I took you?" I reply hesitantly. He nods.

"Guten morgen, Y/N!" I hear someone say. I turn my head near the voice and see Reichtangle standing next to my left side.

"Good morning too, Reichtangle!" I cheerfully reply. "Was it comfortable on the pillow?" I ask. He nods.

"Anyways, I think I should go make some breakfast now." I say, scratching my neck.

"Ich could help you." Reichtangle replied. I smiled and nodded. But, how can he help me? Hes just a small rectangle.

I'll leave you on a cliffhanger for this, but I promise to update tommorow. Also, thank you for 200+ reads!! ^^ I'll make some artworks for the book, and that will be the speacial chapter, so watch out for it!

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