chapter 15: pride

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It was the beggining of june, aka pride month. I was really excited, because me and my dad always baked cookies and decorated them with pride flags! Sure, this only started as a tradition recently, because mom disliked the occasion, so we had to do it in secret.

But now is different. And today is the day! We'll be able to bake the cookies again! Although, i'm not sure if all of the countries would be willing to particupate, or at least not ruin the activity, but i'm sure that most of them will be alright with it.

I quickly did my morning routine and went to the kitchen, where dad, reichtangle and the UK were drinking coffee and tea, while chatting. Before i could make it downstairs, they all spotted me.

"Good morning Y/n." Dad was the first to greet me. Reichtangle and the UK soon followed.

"Hey guys, good morning." I casually say, slipping into the kitchen and opening the fridge to look for a snack.

"You seem pretty excited today, what's the occasion?" UK asked.

"Oh nothing, I just woke up feeling refreshed this morning. I mean, it is the first day of summer." I say, looking at dad, who had just remembered.

"Right, right.. so uhm, me and y/n have this tradition going on where we bake cookies in order to celebrate.. the start of summer!" He akwardly replies. I mentally facepalm.

"Right.. well, i don't think that the start of summer is really that special in my eyes, but you do you." Reichtangle calmly responds, sipping his coffee.

"I feel like you guys are hiding something." UK eyes us suspiciuosly.

"What? Why would we do that?" I ask, trying to hide the fact that i'm sweating really hard.

"If I remember correctly, America and Canada were talking about june being this so called 'pride month' season. Is it related to your tradition?" He asks, still eyeing us, while finishing his cup of tea.

"Pride month? Never heard of it." Reichtangle responds, clearly confused.

"Well, in a way.." I start. "Yes, we bake cookies and decorate them with pride flags. It's a small thing, but it still means a lot to us and the community." Dad interrupts.

"Yes, what dad said." I reply, a bit angry but being interrupted.

"That sounds really sweet. I wish I could help, but I don't really know much about it." UK answers.

I felt big relief, but there was still a small issue. No one knew about me being in the community in terms of sexuality/attraction.

Now, my dad and the rest know that i'm non-binary and go by they/them pronouns, but even then, they sometimes forget and accidentally use she/her on me. I know it isn't on purpose and it's fine, maybe they're still trying to look out for me when in public, as to not call me out for being queer. But what they don't know is that i'm also [insert sexuality] (Can't be aromantic or wlw, really sorry, but it won't fit the plot).

"Reichtangle, what do you think?" I turn towards said country. It seemed that he was deep in thought, and I don't blame him.

"I don't see a problem. It isn't hurting us." He finally replies.

I look at him in shock. Normally, I'd assume that a country as old as him would definitely be against the community, but I was wrong.

"What? Did I say something?" He quickly replies, noticing my expression.

"Oh! No no, i'm just a little shocked that you accepted it so casually." I quickly say.

"Like I said, it isn't hurting us. Besides, i'm quite intrigued by this.. "pride month" thing you have going on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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