chapter 5: friends!

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After the akward time was over, I decided to check up on the countries. Reich said that he'll stay in the living room, to try and see what the television does. I nodded and left.

I could hear mumbled chaos behind my rooms door, probably the countries arguing with eachother, and I was right: it was the countries arguing.

And, me being myself, I just HAD to know what was happening, and why were they arguing in the first place.

I slowly approached Mexico and America.

"All i'm saying, is that maybe you should consider removing the wall." Said Mexico. America seemed pissed about it, so I decided to interrupt them.

"How about no one does nothing? It doesn't look like Ame's going to do anything about the wall." I said, breaking the tension between the two.

"You're right, I suppose.. i'm sorry." Mexico replied.

America still seemed to be quite pissed, so I started a conversation.
"Ame, how about you and I go make some burgers? My dad bought some ingredients just in case." His eyes seemed to light up instantly once I mentioned burgers.

"Yassss, let's go!!" Said America, all I did was chuckle, he seemed to be really passionate about burgers. I wonder why?

Timeskip ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

After me and Ame made burgers for everyone, I decided to do some drawing, or doodling as others might call.

While doing that, I didn't hear Reichtangle enter the living room. He just stood there, looming over my shoulder, staring right into the page that I was drawing on.

Suddenly, he made a small cough which scared the crap out me.

"Are you insane?! You almost gave a heart att- oh, hi, Reich!" I yelled, but noticed that it was Reichtangle so I stopped as fast as I could. I couldn't shout at him, I wouldn't dare do that. (I'll never write the reader screaming at the bby 😔)

"Apologies for disturbing you, Y/N, but I was looking for you. The others wanted to see you, they said it's none of my business on what they're going to discuss, so I just wanted to let you know." He sadly announced. I undestood that he was gonna be left out, if I let him to just stand here, so I grabbed his hand and we went to my room, where the countries were. Reich was quite surprised and flustered, which I found quite cute- wait what?!

"Alright, why is Reich being left out of this discussion?!" I kicked the door and shouted at the countries.

"Who said such a thing?" Asked Canada.
"It was probably Ame." Said Russia.

"Ok so, why did you guys need me here? I wanna get back to drawing." I asked, quite pissed for the disturbance of my hobby.

"Drawing?" Said a german accent. I looked at the direction of the voice and saw Third reich looking quite interested in my words.

"Yes, drawing. And I was about to finish the sketch. So, be quick." I answered. As an impatient person, I couldn't stand waiting, especially when it comes to something I like.

"Well, we just wanted to spend time with you. To.. get to know you more, for as much as I know, you know quite a lot about us." Said UK.

"Correct, you're quite a busy person and we know that, so we're gonna try to make it as quick as possible to not waste your time." Continued France.

"Well, um, thanks for that. But, you're not wasting my time. I have a lot of it, I just wanted to finish an idea I had in my head, that's all." I replied as kindly as I could.

"Well then! We can begin!" Said Canada.

"Sure! So, My name is Y/N. I like [insert something you like] and art. I'm pretty good at [insert a talent] and I suck at [insert thing u suck at]. My favorite color is [F/C]. And that's about it!" I replied.

"Well, that's good enough for me!" Said America.

"No no! Like, what's your personality? Are you a shy or an out-going person?" Said Canada.

"Oh! Well, It's kinda hard to explain.. I used to be an out-going and bubbly person, but my mom changed me, in a bad way. She told me that happiness is for the weak, and that I should always act as tough as I can to show others to not mess with me. She, sort of, broke me and my personality. So, after her death, I tried to get back to my older self, but I was proven on how hard that can be. So, I got stuck on being a pessimistic introvert who barely trusts anyone.." I finished my story and looked at everyone. Some of the countries were crying, some them were sad, while some were trying to imagine on how my life went.

"So, um, that's about it on what you should know about me."

"You survived quite a life" Said France.

"Oh, it's nothing. I bet you guys had it worse, I mean, you're the countries who have won and lost a lot!" I reply. She seemed to understood on what I meant and nodded.

I turned around and saw Reichtangle in a verge of tears, he seemed to understand on what I've been through, I walked towards him and hugged him. It felt.. right. I mean, sure, I'm hugging one of the most scariest historic countries in the world, but, at this point, I didn't care. He seemed to be surprised, but hugged back.
I guess he also thought that it felt right..

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