chapter 14: planning pt.2

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The sun shined bright as I was getting ready for the adventure that awaited me. I was searching for some random apartments in my area and actually scored a jackpot! It was a clean, two bedroom, one bathroom and kitchen flat, and I could easily rent it out till I get the right amount of cash to pay for it entirely. Also it had a balcony, so that's a big plus.

"Guys, we're leaving in 5 minutes, please turn back." I said, finishing the conversation i had with the apartment owner.

"Sweetie, shouldn't you be lying in bed? You did say you were sick. You can look at the aparrnent another day." My dad responded, slight worry in his usually calm voice.

"Actually no, the owner said that they're pretty busy these days and that this is the only time they can meet up and talk about it in person." I lie. Ever since I got the day off, I had to tell dad that I got sick and that I should skip work, but he wouldn't stop nagging me about staying in bed. (Which I wouldn't mind at all)

"Well, alright. Will I need to drive you there or will you be able to go on your own?" He asked again.

"Dad, i'm not a child. I passed my drivers exam perfectly." I groaned, obviuosly being annoyied by dad's carefulness.

"I'm just making sure. Because I still feel like you cheated in that exam nonetheless." He replied sternly. I simply rolled my eyes.

"God, when will you drop that. It's been two years ever since I passed the exam."

"I'm simply not trusting you with my car yet. It's very easy to understnad, y/n."

"Dadd, two years is a long timee. Why are you still so skeptical." I groan in annoyance.

"Fine. But this is the only time that i'll let you drive my car. If you fail to bring it back without a scratch, I won't allow you to drive it anymore." He sternly responds.

"I promise!" I exclaim in determination and excitement.

This was going to be a good day.

"Can you guys please stop complaining? I'm going to turn the car around otherwise." I groan in annoyance.

Reichtangle, Britain and France were currently arguing on who should sit in the front of the car. It was quite a funny situation, considering how powerful these countries are, and yet, they argue about such small things instead. But I was fed up, I was beyond annoyed.

"I'm telling you, I should've been in the front! I'm the most important one here. Besides, I believe I give the best advice." The UK scoffs.

"Oh please, it's not like you never needed my help in almost everything." France rolls her eyes.

"Oh my god can you all please shut up." I yell at them. I would've apologised quickly after, but they were getting on my nerves.

"My bad, Y/n. We should discuss this more quietly then." France quickly responds, looking at England, who was also quick to react.

"There isn't any time for that. We're almost here." Reichtangle replies, reading my thought because I was about to say that but he interrupted me like everyone else always does which is so annoying like omg pls shut up.

This was a personal moment, ignore it pls.

We arrived at a lovely neighbourhood with house surrounding the streets. They all looked unique either in size, color or even shape!

I was amazed at the view. Soon after, we pulled into a lot with a small, but lovely [insert color] house. It looked so pretty I could barely take my eyes off of it.

I stepped out of my dad's vehicle whule the countries shifter into their ball forms and climbed onto my sweather. Soon after, I was greeted by a young man, he seemed to be similar age like me. The boy wore casual attire, clearly not caring about his image that much. His hair was all over the place, he looked like he just woke up. But it kinda suited him. He looked really friendly with this look.

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