Should Have Been A Villain

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Heyy.... heyyy..... how y'all doin? I know I kind of disappeared for a while.... I'm sorry about that. I have not had any motivation, BUT I'm going to TRY to get better and write my story "Better Reputation" and add onto this book. Anyways enjoy this short story while I think of something better to write. TW!! mentions of sexual assault

The key part to any villain is the backstory. Some people become villains because they were underestimated. People didn't give them the credit they deserved. Some people want to destroy the world because of one inconvenience. And then there are others who the world has been so cruel to, they want others to feel what they felt. Following the laws of a villains backstory, Peter should've been a villain.
He lost his parents at only four years old. He barely met them. Then, he was assaulted in his own home by someone he thought he could trust. They got it taken care of, but then he lost the person who made him feel safe. Uncle Ben was a police officer. He could save Peter from anything. But then the universe decided to take that safety away from him. Right in front of him too. The world was mocking him. But instead of hunting down people like the man who killed his uncle, he became a hero. Then, his childhood hero noticed him. He was so excited, but then he left. He tried so hard to be what Iron Man wanted him to be, but it wasn't enough. It was never enough. When he finally started to form a bond with Tony, he turned to dust. And it hurt. He's never felt anything that hurt that bad. Not even when a building fell on him. The universe just keeps throwing tragedies in his face and laughing at him. Why couldn't he just get a fucking break? And when he came back the war wasn't even over! He was a teenager still. Why does he have to deal with this? And here's the funny part, he lost Tony too. Isn't that hilarious? The universe seemed to think so.
Peter thought he finally got a break. His school was going on a trip. He was going to get to spend time with his friend, ask out the girl he liked, and have time to be a teenager. But no. This bullshit followed him to a different country! He began to fought his powers only to realize that this man manipulated him. He trusted him. But the universe just threw it back in his face and laughed. But that's not even the punchline, is it? They know. They know who Spider-Man is. They know who Peter Parker is and they know who May Parker is. Peter is so tired. He can't do this anymore.
So yeah, if Peter didn't think about people the way he did, he should've been a villain. Looking at what he's been through, can you really blame him?

A/N: ok so I wrote this really quickly, so it's not as great as it could be, but I feel like my writing has been getting better. I don't know tho. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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