Better Reputation- part 2

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This is really bad but I hope you enjoy.

               Harley was sitting inside a coffee shop as he was waiting for Peter to show up. He was playing a game on his phone for five minutes before Peter arrived. Harley looked up at the other teen and paused. He was wearing white skinny jeans, a light blue, oversized sweater and matching shoes. Harley looked him up and down. Peter, being oblivious to the action, smiled kindly at Harley.
"Hey Harley! I like your jacket!" Harley looked down at himself. He was wearing a band shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket. Huh, what a coincidence. Harley smiled back.
"Thanks. I like your sweater." Peter smiled brightly at the compliment and sat across from Harley. They shifted in their seats uncomfortably and looked around the cafe. A waiter came up to them and smiled over enthusiastically.
"Hello, welcome to Queens' coffee and breakfast! What can I get for you today?" Harley just responded saying he wanted a black coffee and a glazed donut. Peter smiled at the man as he ordered.
"Can I have a caramel iced coffee and cinnamon oatmeal please?" The waiter's eyes soften as he looks at the boy.
"Of course. Coming right up." It's quiet again for a few minutes until Peter clears his throat.
"So... what's your favorite color?" Harley laughs, but not in a rude way. He shakes his head as he looks at the other boy.
"What? We playing 20 questions now?" Peter looks down at his lap and fiddles his thumbs nervously.
"I'm just... trying to start conversation," He nearly whispers. Harley looks at him with a gentle smile.
"Blue. My favorite color is blue. What's yours?" Peter looks up at Harley with a bashful smile.
"I like red."
—time skip: next day—
Tony is in his workshop again when pepper walks in. He's expecting another article about Harley being a playboy, but when he looks at Pepper, she has a bright smile on her face. Tony takes the stark pad from her and looks down. It's another article. It's a picture of Harley and Peter. Peter's head is thrown back, obviously from laughter, and Harley is looking at him like he's the moon on a clear night. The headline reads 'Stark son and stark industries sweetheart'. Tony smiles softly and meets Pepper's eyes. They share a small smile. Pepper takes the stark pad away from Tony and gives him a small nod. When she walks out, Tony smirks triumphantly.
—time skip: one month later—
Harley and Peter began to spend time together even when they weren't in public. It started with Harley sitting on the couch, on his phone, and then Tony walked in. Harley looked up and smiled.
"Hey dad? Is it okay if Peter comes over for dinner tonight?" Tony pauses for a second before he smiles.
"Of course, har. Peter can come over whenever you want him to." Harley smiles at his dad before going back to his phone, telling Peter he can come over.
And then, Peter just showed up at the tower unannounced. He walked out of the elevator and into the common/living room. Pepper and Tony looked at him in confusion.
"Hey, Pete. What're you doin here?" Tony questioned. The boy looked up nervously.
"Sorry, Harley said I could come over. I thought he asked you. I can leave if you want." Before Tony or pepper can say anything, Harley walks into the room with them.
"You're good, Pete. Come on, let's go play Mario Kart." Peter laughs and waves to the two adults as Harley drags him away. After that, Peter would randomly show up a couple times a week and Harley would meet him in the living room. Eventually, Peter started going to the tower everyday, saying hello to Tony, or Pepper, or both before walking to Harley's room.
—time skip:two months in—
Harley and Peter were walking through the park. They got so used to holding hands for cameras that it just came natural to them now. So, Peter and Harley's hands were intertwined and they would both be lying if they said they didn't enjoy the feeling. Peter keeps pointing out random plants that Harley didn't even know existed. What happened next happens so fast. They heard someone shout "Marley!" and then something big jumped on Peter. He quickly pulled his hand out of Harley's to grab whatever jumped on him. Harley was about to panic before he saw that it was just a big dog. A girl with blonde hair walked over with an apologetic look on her face.
"I'm so sorry! Her leash broke and I tried to stop her but she just got too excited." Peter just smiled at the girl.
"It's okay. I love dogs! And I didn't fall over so no damage done." The girl smile gratefully. The dog licked Peter's face and he giggled. Harley felt his heart melt at the sound. He looked over at the girl and she smirked at him with a knowing look.
—time skip:that night—
As Tony and Pepper were in bed, finishing the last of their work, Pepper pushed a computer into Tony's hands. He looked at it and saw another article. It was a picture from the park. There was a dog with its paws on Peters shoulders. He was smiling as if he just won the lottery. Harley had his hand on Peters arm and was staring at Peter with the biggest heart eyes Tony has ever seen. The headline read 'No more playboy?'. Tony looked at Pepper and saw she was smiling softly. She grabbed Tony's hand.
"I think they have something good between them." Tony couldn't agree more.
—time skip: three months after—
Harley and Peter were at the coffee shop where they had their first 'date'. They sat next to each other this time. Harley ordered a black coffee and a breakfast sandwich while Peter orders a caramel iced coffee and pancakes. They eat together, talk, laugh, and just have a good time together. Peter looks down suddenly, as if all his energy was drained. Harley puts a finger under the younger boys chin and lifts his head.
"Whats wrong, Peter?" Peter shakes his head with a small smile and is about to take another bite of his pancakes, but Harley grabs his hand that held his fork and gives him a look. Peter lets out a sigh and places his fork back on the plate. He begins the play with the string of his (*cough* Harley's *cough*) hoodie. Harley waits patiently for Peter to start talking.
"I'm sorry Harley. I didn't mean for this to happen." Harley tilts his head and squints his eyes.
"Didn't mean for what to happen, darlin?" Peter blushes at the nickname and Harley tries to contain his smile.
"I really like you Harley. Like... actually like you. I don't want to hang out with you just so the paparazzi can see us together. I want to be with you. But I know you probably don't want to be with me because you have so many options and I'm just... me." Peter looks down at his lap again. Harley stares at Peter for a while, waiting for Peter to lift his head. He doesn't do it on his own, so Harley repeats his earlier action of putting his finger under Peter's chin and lifting his head. He looks into Peter eyes and gives him a bright smile.
"I'm glad you feel the same way, sweetheart." Peter laughs softly and Harley looks at Peter's lips. He moves his hand to Peter's cheek and slowly leans in. He pauses just before his lips touch Peter's, just incase he doesn't want this. Peter nods his head and Harley closes the distance. The kiss lasts for almost a minute but it felt like so much longer to the two boys. Peter smiles shyly and Harley looks like he's the luckiest guy in the world.
—time skip:next day—
Tony is in the kitchen when the article pops up that morning. He raises his eyebrow as he sees its more than one picture. First, it's Peter and Harley laughing together. Second, it's Peter looking at his lap, Harley's finger touching his chin. Third, it's them looking at each other. Then, it's a picture of them kissing. Harley's hand on Peters cheek while Peter is grabbing Harley's wrist. Last, Peter smiling at his lap as Harley continues to look at Peter. The headline reading 'Stark and intern romance?'. Tony nods proudly. He looks up as he hears feet shuffling. He smiles softly as he sees his son walk in, rubbing his eyes while yawning. Tony stands and walks towards his kid. Harley smiles at him and Tony pulls him into a hug, his kid immediately hugging back.
"I'm proud of you, bub." Harley tightens his grip and smiles.
—time skip:3 years later—
Tony is sitting outside of his cabin, watching Morgan play in the lake. He smiles as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He hears footsteps, which could only be Pepper's, walk towards him. He opens his eyes and is surprised when a phone is shoved into his face. He grabs it and his eyes widen in shock as he sees what it is. The headline reads 'Future Mr. and Mr. Stark!'. The picture below it is of his two boys. Harley is on one knee, holding something in front of Peter. The younger had his hands over his mouth and looks like he's crying. They're standing in front of Cinderella's castle in Disney world during the fireworks show. There is a second picture at the bottom of the article. Tony covers his mouth with one hand as he sees it. It's the first picture the two boys were photographed in together. Peter, head thrown back in laughter, and Harley, looking like he just fell in love. Tony looked up at his wife. The woman had a smile and a few tears falling down her face. Tony wiped them away and kissed her forehead.
"They did good, huh pep?" Pepper laughed softly and nodded her head. Tony looked back at the picture as a single, happy tear ran down his face.

A/N: I'm sorry. This chapter was really bad. I really didn't know how to write it. I had a vision but I don't know how to put it in words so you get this. I hope you enjoyed anyway and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

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