The Team

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I just wanted to write this because I love the thought of Peter being really soft and sweet and the football team being really protective. Just a lil gay. Wade is just an intern/not Deadpool... ok enjoy

Peter was sitting in his science class, Ned in the seat next to him. They were talking about a new LEGO set when someone hugged Peter from behind. He jumped slightly causing the person behind him to laugh. Peter relaxed and grabbed the boys arms that were around him.
"Hey Pete. Hi Ned." Ned waved to the person. Peter turned around and saw one of the football players. Peter smiles brightly and the older teens face softened.
"Hi Evan! How are you?"
"I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm tired, but other than that I'm great." Evan nodded then turned to the door as more people walked in. He greeted his friends, Ryan, Will, and Jake, as they walked in. All four of them were on the football team together. They were the only four to share their science class with Peter. They all sat in their seats as they waited for class to start. When Flash walked in, the football players all rolled their eyes at him.
"What's up, Penis!" Jake started to stand up but Peter just grabbed his arm and shook his head. Jake let out a sigh then faced the front as their teacher began his lesson
—time skip—
The class began packing their bags when their teacher interrupted them.
"Before you guys pack up, I have an announcement for you. We have a field trip this Friday." The class started talking to each other, trying to decide where they would go. The teacher just watched amused then cleared his throat. The students immediately turn to the teacher.
               "I'm sure you'll all be excited to hear that we are going to... Stark Tower!" The students cheered and talked excitedly. Ned turned to Peter and shook his arm.
               "Duuuuude! You can finally prove you have a real internship! What if Tony talks to you?" Peter smiled at his friend.
               "I hope he doesn't." Ned was about to speak when the bell rang. Students ran out of the hallway, Peters friends wait for him. Peter zipped up his backpack when Flash walked over to them.
               "I can't wait for everyone to find out you were lying, Penis. I wonder what stark industries would do if they found out." Flash smirks as he leaves the room. Peter just rolls his eyes as the others glare at Flash's back. The group walks out of the classroom and Evan puts his arm around Peter.
               "You still coming to watch practice tonight?" Evan asked. Will, Ryan, Jake, and Ned looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Peter grinned.
               "Of course! I just need to text Happy." Peter pulls out his phone and quickly sends a message to Happy saying 'I'm staying after school'. He doesn't get a message back but he saw Happy read it. He puts his phone away and walks to his last class.
—time skip—
Peter sits on the bleachers and does his homework as the team practices. When he finishes his homework, he puts everything away and watches the team. He doesn't really understand what's happening, but he always tries to support his friends. So he watches, and smiles, and tries to learn more about the sport. When practice ends, the team quickly goes into the locker room to change and Peter waits on the bleachers. He smiles and stands when he sees the other boys walk up to him. They all smile and hug him before heading to the parking lot. They say their goodbyes then Evan and Peter walk to the older teen's car.
"Do you need a ride home, Pete?" Peter looks around and spots Happy's car. The man points to his wrist, telling Peter to hurry.
"No I'm good. Happy's here. Thank you though." Evan smiles and hugs him. When he pulls away, he ruffles Peter's hair and smiles before getting in his car. Peter walks across the parking lot and hops in the back seat of Happy's car.
"Who was that kid?" Happy asked, eyeing the car pulling away suspiciously. Peter just smiles softly.
"That's Evan. He's on the football team." Happy nods and begins the drive to Peter's home.
—time skip—
It was now Friday and Peter just put his second shoe on when he got a text. It was from Evan and it said 'I'm here let's gooooo'. Peter laughed and walked out of his room. He hugged May on his way to the door.
"Bye May. Evans here. I'll see you after school." May kissed his forehead and said goodbye, telling Peter to be safe. Peter gives his aunt one more smile before walking out of the apartment. He quickly makes his way down the stairs and walks out the front doors. He sees Evans car and jogs over to it, sitting in the passenger seat. Evan smiles at him.
"Are you ready for the field trip." Peter sighs causing Evan to laugh. They talk to whole ride. Mostly Evan talking about what could happen during the field trip and Peter telling him to not jinx it.
—time skip—
When they get to school, they see their science class standing next to a school bus. Evan quickly parks the car and then they walk over to meet their friends. The other five boys look between the two before they all start talking excitedly about the trip, except Peter. When they got on the bus, Peter sat next to Ned, Jake and Evan sat in front of them, then Will and Ryan sat behind them. Flash sat near the front of the bus, so he didn't really get to talk to Peter. Peter felt his phone vibrate and he saw he got a text from Mj. 'Tell Flash that if he tries anything the whole football team, the avengers, and I will kick his ass'. Peter smiled and shook his head as he responded, telling her not to worry about flash and he'll be fine. He talks to Ned the rest of the bus ride.
—time skip—
The bus pulls up to the front doors of Stark Tower. It stops and allows all the students and the teacher to get out. They walk into the building and the students look around in awe. Ned grabbed Peter's arm excitedly.
"Look at this place! It's huge!" Peter laughed at his friend. An older intern walked up to the group and she smiled kindly.
"Hello, you must be Midtown. My name's Rose. It's nice to meet all of you." She holds up a basket.
"These are your passes. Don't take them off and make sure they're visible at all times. If we can't see them, security might ask you to leave." Rose begins to hand out the passes in order. She skips over Peter's name and the teacher stops her.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but you didn't give Mr.Parker a pass."
"Oh, he doesn't need a pass. Good morning Peter." The teen just smiled and waved at her. Evan ruffled Peter's hair and the younger boy pushed his hand away and tried to fix it. Rose smirked at the two before continuing down the list. When she finished, she led them to the metal detectors. As they scanned their passes, all the students had level two badges. They asked Rose what that meant and she just explained that different levels can only visit certain areas. She scanned her own badge.
"Ms.Rose, level five. Welcome back." The class questioned her level and she explained how since she was an intern, she has more access than tour groups, but less than higher up interns. A few more people walked through and then it was Peter's turn. He didn't have a pass to scan, so he just walked through.
"Mr.Parker, level 10. Hello, Peter. It's good to see you. Should I tell boss you're here?" The classes jaws dropped. Peter shrunk into himself while his friends smirked.
"Hi, Friday. No thanks. I'm sure he already knows." Friday didn't answer and Peter was pretty sure she was telling Tony anyway. He walked over to his friends and waited for the rest of his class to join. After everyone scanned their passes, Rose began the tour.
"Alright everyone, our first stop is the lab where I do most of my work."
—time skip—
They were about halfway done with the tour when Rose announced they were going to take a lunch break. They entered the cafeteria and broke off into their groups as they sat at the tables. Peter, Ned, and Evan sat on one side of their table while Jake, Ryan, and Will sat across from them. They were talking and laughing until Jake, Ryan, and Will all glared at someone behind Peter. Flash pushed Ned out of the way and sat next to Peter. He looked at his friend in concern before glaring at Flash.
"What do you want?"
"I want to know how you got Rose to act like she knows you. And, how did you get Friday to say that? Did you hack into her? That could get you in a lot of trouble." Flash smirked as Peter sighed and looked at his hands.
"Fuck off, Flash. Peter has an actual internship here. You're just too jealous to admit that he's better than you," Will said as he took a bite of his sandwich.
"Jealous of Penis? Yeah right," Flash scoffed. He stood up from the seat and walked over to his 'friends'. Evan continued to glare at him until lunch was over.
—time skip—
The tour was almost over and the four football players were getting angry. Flash just wouldn't leave Peter alone. No matter what they said to him, he just rolled his eyes. They entered the last lab of the day and a college student looked up then smiled brightly. He ran over to the group and picked Peter up in a hug. The smaller teen laughed as the other man spun him around.
"Hey, babyboy. How's the field trip going?" Evans shoulders sagged and his face fell.
"It's ok. How are you, Wade?" They talked for a few minutes until Wade walked away to finish his project. The class looked between Peter and Evan.
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Peter didn't notice, but the rest of the class heard the disappointment in Evans voice. Peter looked at him, bemused.
"Wade? He has a girlfriend. He just likes to call me that." Evans face brightened.
"Oh, ok. Cool." Peter just gave a confused smile as Rose continued the tour.
—time skip—
They were nearing the end of the tour. Their last stop was a conference room where the Avengers would be hosting a Q and A. Everyone sat in their seats, most of them trying to sit near the front. Peter and Ned were talking about Spider-Man while the other four were talking about their practice until the Avengers walked in. The room erupted in excited screaming. Peter covered his ears as it began to get a little too loud. It was still too loud. He felt hands cover his own and press harder, making it a little quieter. He looked over and saw Evan looking at him in concern. He gave the older boy a thankful smile and he shrugged with a smile of his own. Peter looked back to the front to see Tony staring at him.
"Alright everyone, quiet down." The students stopped talking immediately and Peter relaxed into his seat. He saw Tony smile softly. The man looked at Evan in confusion before sitting down. They all introduced themselves and the questions begun. Most of the questions were just about what it was like being famous/a superhero, who their favorite superhero was, and other stuff Peter didn't really pay attention to. And then, flash raised his hand.
"You, in the yellow and black shirt," Tony announced. Flash looked at Peter quickly before speaking.
"Mr.Stark, is it possible for a high school student to get an internship?" Before Tony could speak, Steve cut him off.
"I don't think Tony would allow a high school student to intern here for legal reasons." Tony glared at him and was about to speak but Flash cut him off.
"So you're saying Peter was lying?" Tony glared and was about to speak again but Flash stood up and turned towards Peter.
"I knew you were lying penis. There's no way you would have an internship at Stark Industries." He whispered the next part, but everyone could still hear. "You don't have enough time anyway. Since you spend so much time with the football team being their whor-". Evan stood up, grabbed Flash's shirt collar, pulled him over the seats, and pinned him to the floor.
"Evan!" Everyone in the room stood up, but they didn't know what to do. Ned, Ryan, Jake, and Will all tried to hide their smiles behind their hands.
"If you ever talk to or about Peter like that ever again, I will kill you. Do you understand?" Flash nodded and tried to push Evan away, but he wasn't as strong. Tony walked up to them and squatted next to Flash's face.
"If anyone would have let me speak," he paused to look at Steve. The man just looked between Tony and Peter apologetically. "I would have said we don't normally let high schoolers have internships, but I made an exception for Peter. Because that's my kid. And if you ever do anything to Peter again, I will ruin your life." Flash just looks between Evan and Tony before nodding again. Evan let's go and pulls flash to his feet. Before he can find his balance, Evan pushes the other teen towards the door. A security guard grabs him and escorts him to the bus.
Natasha smirks and whispers to Clint, "I like him," as she points at Evan. The teen sits next to Peter and apologizes. Peter just shakes his head with a small smile and puts his head on Evans shoulder. He looks at Peter in shock before smiling and looking towards the front. Tony looks between the two before pointing at Evan.
"You, next to Peter. Who are you?" Evans eyes widen.
"Umm, I'm Evan... sir. I'm a friend of Peter's. I'm... on the football... team." Tony nods and then turns his attention to Peter.
"Why didn't I know about him?" Peter just laughs tiredly.
"I didn't want to scare them away."
"He's friends with the whole football team," Ryan answers. Tony nods and looks at the rest of his team. Pepper smiles at the boy.
"Well, Peter, you should invite all your friends over sometime." Peter nods into Evans shoulder and Tony rolls his eyes fondly.

A/N: I will most likely do a part 2 eventually. Just to have to team meet the other team... you know? And maybe write a little more of an official ending for Peter and his 'friend'. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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