The Team pt 4

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A couple people wanted some more Evan and Peter content... so here's this. I think it's adorable but you can decide.

               Evan and Peter were sitting on the couch at the Avengers compound. Peter was laying in between Evans legs as the boy leaned against the armrest. They just finished watching Jurassic park when Evan spoke.
               "We've been sitting down for a while. I think we should get up for a bit." Peter groaned as Evan pushed him off lightly. Evan stood up and the other boy looked up at him tiredly.
               "What are we gonna do?" Evan looked around before looking down at Peter and smiled. He held out his hands.
               "Dance with me?" Peter looked at him, shocked and confused.
               "Are you serious?"  Evan laughs and grabs onto Peter's hands, pulling him up. Peter rolls his eyes with a small smile. Evan tells Friday to put on some music. It starts with a quick song. They hold hands and jump around the living room, yelling the lyrics to each other. When the song ends, there's a small pause and then a slow song comes on. Evan smirks at the other boy and Peter rolls his eyes again. The taller boy pulls the other in, grabs one hand and puts his other on Peter's hip. Peter smiles and places his hand on the boy's shoulder. They start to dance.

—in Tony's lab—
               "Boss, I think you'd like to see something in the living room." Tony jumps at the voice then puts the screwdriver down.
               "Did something blow up?"
               "No, but I think you will like it. I called the others as well. Be quiet, sir." Tony stands up with a raised eyebrow and heads upstairs.

— back in the living room—
               Tony gets to the hallway and sees that the rest of his team is already there. He taps on Natasha's shoulder. She turns to him then smirks. She pushes him to the front of the group. His eyes widen in shock at first, but then a small smile grows on his face. The boys are right up against each other, looking at each other with soft smiles, swaying side to side. The song speeds up a little and Evan pulls away slightly to spin Peter. The younger laughs then pulls the other in to a soft kiss. He pulls away and then puts his head on the other's shoulder with his arms wrapped around his waist. The song ends but they continue to sway. Everyone slowly leaves the hallway to go back to what they were doing. They all have smiles on their faces and Tony has a new video on his phone to show them in the future.

A/N: I love them 😢 I need to write more of them so give me some ideas please. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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