You Forgot

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Peter sat in his room at the Avengers compound on a Monday afternoon. He was sitting at his desk, just staring down at it. More specifically, the papers on his desk. His leg was bouncing and he was leaning against his right hand. There was a knock on his door and then it opened.
"Hey, Pete. Friday said you wanted to talk to me?" Peter turned and looked up at Tony. The man had a smile on his face, but there was concern in his eyes. Peter stared.
"You weren't at my academic decathlon competition Friday." Peter usually didn't care if people didn't go to his competitions, but this one was different. Tony's eyes widened.
"I'm so sorry, Peter. Something came up."
"Translation: you forgot." Tony lowered his head and sat on the edge of Peter's bed.
"I'm sorry kid. How can I make it up to you?" Peter rolled his eyes.
"You can't. I told you how important this competition was. There were people from schools, really good schools, watching us. I wanted you to be there because I wanted you to be proud of me. Especially when I got this." He handed a letter to Tony and the mans eyes widened as he read what was on the page.
"You got into MIT?"
"Yup. And with a scholarship. Not a full scholarship, though, so I probably won't go." Tony looked up at him in shock.
"Peter, I can help you with the money."
"I don't want your money, Tony! I just want you to remember something that was important to me. But I guess that's too much to ask." He stands up and grabs his book bag.
"I think I'll just go to NYU. They offered a full scholarship and I won't have to leave Spider-Man behind." He walls out of the room as Tony tries to stop him.
"Peter, I'm sorry. I'll do whatever you want me to to get you to forgive me." Peter sighed.
"You know I'll forgive you, Mr.Stark. I can't lose you. I just want to be left alone for a few days." Tony nods his head, but doesn't look at the boy.
"I'll see you soon, Mr.Stark. Don't do anything dumb while I'm gone."

A/N: ok so maybe I didn't need to write this and I just wanted to make them fight so hopefully it could help me write a happy chapter but who knows. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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