The Team- Prequel

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I tried to write a backstory to my new favorite friendship, but I feel like it doesn't really make sense. Ok, enjoy!

               It was the first day of school. It was also the last first day of school for most of the football team. They were in their senior year and they just wanted to make the best of their last year.
Four of the football players shared a science class. Jake, Will, Ryan, and Evan. Ryan and Evan have been friends since they were in elementary school and they met the others in freshman year. They were all extremely close but Evan and Ryan were best friends.
As more people walked into the classroom, they didn't recognize any of the other students. It was a pretty big school, so it wasn't like they would know everybody. The four boys were laughing until someone began talking way too loud for 8 in the morning.
"What's up, Penis Parker?" The team turned towards the voice to see a boy sitting near the back of the class, feet propped up on the desk, and a smirk on his face. They turned to who that boy was looking at and saw another boy. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a light blue sweatshirt that was just a little too big on him. The boy lowered his head and walked towards a seat. He was passing the football players and Jake grabbed his arm. The boy flinched and looked up at him with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. My name's Jake. What's your name?" The boy smiled brightly.
"Peter. Parker. It's nice to meet you Jake."
"It's nice to meet you, too. These three are my friends. That's Ryan, Will, and Evan." Peter waved to Ryan and Will with a bright smile. When he looked at Evan, he stopped for a second and then his face brightened and he waved to him as well. Evan smiled softly and waved back. Will told Peter to sit in the seat behind Evan. He did and then he looked back up at the door and waved someone over. It was another teenager. Peter introduced him as Ned, his best friend. They talked about what grade they were in, Ned and Peter were juniors. Then, Ned turned to Will.
"Why did you guys tell Peter to sit with you?"
"That kid over there called him a name and Peter just doesn't seem like he would do anything to deserve it." Ned looked to where they were pointing and then scoffed.
"Of course it was him." The team looks at him confused. Peter lowers his head as Ned explains.
"That's Flash. His real name is Eugene, but he doesn't like to be called that. He's been bullying Peter since middle school. Usually just words, but sometimes it gets physical." The team stiffens and glares at the teen across the room. Jake looks between Peter and Flash.
"Why would he bully you, Peter? Did you do something to him?" Peter shook his head and Ned scoffed again.
"Peter couldn't hurt a fly. Flash just likes to hurt Peter because he's an easy target, doesn't stop him-" he pauses to give Peter a look, " and he's just jealous of Peter." Everyone nods their heads and then the bell rings. They turn their attention to the teacher, but they all notice how Peter and Evan would look at each other with shy smiles on their faces.
—time skip—
At the end of class, Ryan turns towards his new friends.
"Our team should be having a game next Saturday if you would like to come watch?"
"Of course! But aren't football games usually on Fridays?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, but since this school is more of an academic school, they don't want the games to be on Fridays so we have more time for school work." The younger boys nod their heads and smile.
"We'll be there."
—time skip—
Ryan knew his best friend like the back of his hand. That's how he knew that their knew friend Peter Parker was affecting him some way. They only met him a few days ago, but Evan and Peter clicked. They just made sense as friends and the whole team started to place bets on who would ask out the other first and when. Ryan just wanted his friends to be happy.
—time skip—
Evan walked towards Peter. He was sitting on a bench in front of the school, doing his homework with his headphones in. Evan tapped the boy's shoulder softly and he jumped, pulling an earbud out as he turned towards the older boy. Peter smiled brightly as he saw who scared him.
"Oh, hi Evan! How are you?"
"Hey, Pete. I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm great!" Evan smiles and nods at Peter before looking at the earbud dangling between them.
"What are you listening to?" Peter blushes slightly and looks down. He reaches for his phone.
"It's nothing. Just something stupid I like to-." He stops as Evan grabs the earbud and puts it in his ear. He smiles.
"Kindergarten boyfriend. A great song from a great musical." Peter's eyes widen and his mouth opens in shock.
"You like Heathers?" Evan nods and the smaller boy smiles brightly. Evan can't help but love that smile. They start talking and they realize they have a lot more in common than liking a musical.
—time skip—
Peter was not having a good day. The only person at school who knew what was happening was Ned. Peter was quiet all day. He wouldn't talk to anyone, he wouldn't look at anyone, he flinched when someone tried to touch him or when there were any sudden movements, and he wasn't even wearing his usual clothing. He usually wore light colored sweatshirts, hoodies, or sweaters with skinny jeans. But today, he was wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. At lunch, he didn't eat anything. He just drank the water Mj gave him because she made him. Evan's never seen Peter like this.
When Evan finished his Friday practice, he decided to stop by Peter's apartment. He drove over and parked, then quickly made his way to the Parker's. He knocked on the door and a woman opened it. She smiled at him, but tilted her head in confusion. Her eyes seemed to hold a similar emotion that Peter's held, just not as strong.
"Can I help you?" The woman asked.
"My name's Evan. I'm a friend of Peter's from school. I was worried about him so I wanted to check up on him. Is that ok?"
"Oh, I've heard about you. My name's May. It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too." May tells Evan where Peter's room is. He thanks her and then walks to his door and knocks.
                "Peter? It's Evan. Are you alright?" It's silent for a while until Evan hears Peter take a deep breath.
"Come in. Please." Evan opens the door then closes it after he walks in. He slowly walks towards Peter's bed and tries not to trip over all the random stuff on the ground. He sits on the edge of the bed. Peter's laying down, staring at the ceiling, hugging himself as his hands grip his hoodie.
"What happened, Pete?" He didn't get a response. He started to reach out, but decided that probably wasn't a good idea. Peter takes in a shaky breath and turns to Evan.
               "What are you doing here?" Peter's voice was raw and broken. Evan slowly reached for Peter's shoulder, making sure the boy could see what he was doing.
               "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I've never seen you like this before." The Peter that was laying on the bed in front of Evan was not his Peter. This Peter was quiet, reserved, scared. It hurt Evan. And it scared him. Peter gave him a sad smile.
               "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
               "Well, I'm going to worry anyway." Evan moved slowly so he could lay on the bed next to Peter.
               "What's wrong?" Peter looks like he's debating something before he lets out a sigh and sits up. He fiddled with the strings of his hoodie.
               "When I was nine, I had this babysitter. His name was... um... Skip Westcott. He did stuff to me. I didn't tell May or Ben, my uncle, about it at first because he threatened to hurt them. I couldn't let that happen. By then one day it just got too much. May and Ben started to notice something was wrong. I wouldn't talk, I wouldn't look at anyone, I didn't like being touched. It wasn't good. So they asked me. I tried to not say anything but I started crying and they knew something was wrong, so I told them. Skip went to jail and I began to recover." A tear falls out of Peter's eye. Evan rubs the boy's arm.
               "I found out yesterday that he got out of jail for good behavior. He was supposed to be in jail for ten years, but he only was there for seven years. How is that fair?" Peter begins to sob violently and tears pour out of his eyes.
               "Can I hug you?" Peter answers by falling into Evans chest and gripping his shirt. Evan rubs one hand up and down Peter's back while the other hand is in the younger boys hair. They stay like that until morning.
—time skip—
               Peter was walking towards Happy's car when he heard someone calling for him.
               "Hey, Peter! Wait up." He stopped walking and turned to see Evan running up to him. He smiled at the taller boy and he got a smile in return.
               "Hey, Evan. What's up?"
               "Nothing much. I was just wondering if you wanted to stay after school tomorrow to watch the team practice? You've been to a couple of games so I just wanted to invite you so you could spend more time with the team. I can drive you home after if you need me to."
               "I would love to. I'll meet you after class?" Evan nodded his head and smiled brightly. He said his goodbyes and then walked to his own car. Peter laughed softly with a shake of his head and continued walking to Happy's car.

A/N: this was mostly just Evan and Peter, but they're cute so I don't care. This was a lot harder to write because I was trying to make the story make sense for the other parts. I hope it all works. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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