He's Not Ben, But He's Pretty Cool

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Hello, friends. I've been gone for a few months and I wanted to start writing again because writing for these helps me focus sometimes. Anyways, enjoy!

               May was nervous. It has been three months since she met someone who became very important to her. His name was Chris and he was a doctor at the hospital she worked at. He was about six feet tall with blonde hair and brown eyes. They met during their lunch break and they started spending more time together outside of the hospital. After a month of talking, she told Chris about Peter and how he was such a good kid. Chris became fond of the kid even though he hasn't even met Peter yet. When they reached the three month mark, May decided it was time. And that's where she was now, standing outside Peters bedroom door. She knocked three times before she heard Peters answer of "come in". She let out a quick breath before walking into his room. He was sitting at his desk and working on his homework. He turned to look at her and smiled brightly, causing a smile to grow on her face.
               "Hey, Pete. Can I talk to you for a second?" Peters face looked nervous and concerned as he nodded his head. May sat on Peters bed and grabbed his hand. Peters concern grew as he put his other hand on top of hers. She took another deep breath before meeting Peters eyes.
               "Peter, how would you feel if I told you that I've been seeing someone?" Peters eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he thought about what she said, then his expression softened.
               "Are you asking this because you met someone?" He asked with a small smirk. May let out a laugh and nodded her head. Peter gave her a soft smile and rubbed his aunts hand with his thumb.
               "Well, if you like him, and you think he's a good person, then I can't wait to meet him." May felt her eyes become wet as she pulled Peter into a hug.
—time skip—
               May stood outside her apartment with Chris and bags of Thai. She put a comforting hand on Chris' shoulder as she saw him wringing his hands nervously. She gave him a soft smile and he relaxed slightly. May unlocked the door and they stepped in. They walked into the kitchen and placed the bags on the table.
               "Peter! It's dinner time!" Chris tended again as he heard a door open and close. May grabbed his hand again as Peter walked in, talking to someone on the phone.
               "I'll be fine Tony. You don't need to worry about me...... No ones replacing you," He let's out a small laugh, "I have to go, but I'll talk to you after. Yup." He hung up and turned to Chris with a bright smile. He stuck out his hand.
               "Hi, I'm Peter. You must be Chris. May has told me a lot about you." Chris shook his hand and a smile slowly made its way into his face. They all sat at the table as they unboxed the food. Chris learned that Peter is very smart for someone his age and that May had so much love for this kid. He also learned that this kid was basically Tony Stark's son. May told him that it started when Peter became an intern for stark industries and he kept moving up as an intern. He caught Tony's attention and Peter became Tony's personal intern and now Peter calls Tony Stark dad. He was shocked at first, but then he thought about how smart Peter was and it wasn't too hard to believe (he later learned the real reason he met Tony and the fact that they had a lot more in common than just their brains).
—time skip—
               After Chris left that night, May sat on the couch next to Peter and gave him a nervous but hopeful look.
               "So, What did you think of him?" Peter smiled at her and leaned into her, causing May to wrap her arms around him.
               "He's not Ben, but Chris is pretty cool. I think you two could be good together." May sniffled and squeezed Peter tighter.

A/N: I always read stories of May having a bad boyfriend, so here's s good one for a change. I haven't written in a while so I hope it's not too bad. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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