Chapter 2

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Requested by @lovebunny1106.

Tom slowly woke up and he realized he was in an unfamiliar bed. He began to panic when he started to recognize a few things around the room. Did he fall asleep on set? No he couldn't have. This room was an actual room. He kept looking around until the door opened and he saw Marissa.
"Oh, good morning Pete. Get ready for school. You have the internship tonight." Tom looked at her in confusion and she began to get concerned.
"I'm not Peter. My name's Tom." Marissa tilted her head and walked closer to Tom.
"No, you're Peter. Do you remember me?" Tom nodded his head slowly.
"You're Marissa." She sighed and shook her head. "No, Peter. I'm May. Are you okay? Why do you have an accent? Do you need to stay home today? I can call Tony and he can see if anything's wrong." Tom just stared at her for a minute and he decided to look around again. He wasn't on set since this was an actual room, Marissa, or May, is acting different, and Tom definitely did not want to go to school. He told her he wanted to stay home today. Marissa, no. May just gave him a soft smile before walking out of the room and closing the door. Tom decided to look around the room. He looked in the dresser and saw that there were actual clothes in them. They were usually empty when filming. He looked through all the papers in the desk and Peter Parker was written on all of them. Okay, that's fine, this is fine. Tom began to breath heavily as his panic grew. There was a knock on the door.
               "Hey Peter. May said you were acting weird. Are you feeling okay, kid?"
               "Robert?" Robert just looked at him confused and he shook his head slowly and Tom turned towards the bed again.
               "First, what's with the accent? You're from Queens, not the queen. Second, it's Tony. I understand what May means now. Let's go to the tower to check you out." Tom just sighed as Tony led him out of the apartment and into a very expensive car. He stayed silent the whole time as he kept thinking. They got to the tower and toms eyes widened. It was an actual building with real planes. What was going on?
—time skip—
               He was in the room with everyone else and they all just stared at him. He didn't know what to do so he just stood there and tapped his leg nervously.
               "Peter, what do you think all of our names are?" Steve asked. Tom sighed.
               "You're Chris Evans, you're Chris Hemsworth, you're Mark Ruffalo, you're Robert Downey junior, you're Scarlett Johansson, and you're Jeremy Renner." Everyone continues to stare at him, then Tom felt his phone vibrate. He got it out and saw a text from Ned. "Hey Peter, are you alright? You were acting weird yesterday and now you're not at school. Text me back if you can." Tom went to unlock the phone but he needed a password.
               "Do any of you know the password to my phone?" Bruce gave him a worried look. "It's your birthday Peter." Tom thought about it for a second. He thought he knew when Peters birthday was. Apparently not.
               "When's my birthday?" They all tilted their heads and Tony answered slowly.
               "August 10th. 2001." Tom nodded his head and typed it into his phone. He told Ned that he was fine and he didn't need to worry. He sent a message and then looked back up at the team.
               "So, you're telling me, your name is Tom, you're an actor, you're British, and you're twenty three?" Tom nodded his head and Clint laughed.
               "Nice try spidey, but there's no way you're twenty three." Tom was about to speak again, but Tony pushed a piece of paper into his hand. He looked at it for a few minutes. He saw numbers and letters and he didn't know what to do. He looked back up at Tony.
               "What do I do with this?" "Solve it." "How can I solve this? It doesn't make sense." Tony and Bruce looked at him in confusion and Steve looked shocked.
               "Do you know what ребенок паук means?" Natasha asked. Tom turned to her. He's never heard that before. She says it like it's a normal thing, but Toms never been on the receiving end. He shook his head and whispered, "Is that Russian?" Steve looked even more confused. Tom wondered if he was supposed to know what that meant.
               "How about we use your brain thing, Stark?" Clint asked and Tony nodded his head and gestured for Tom to follow. He did and the rest of them followed as well. They entered a room and Tony handed Tom a pair of glasses. He looked at them, confused, then looked up at Tony again.
               "Put them on. We'll be able to see your memories." Tom nodded and slowly put them on his face. He didn't really trust it, but Tony was smart in these movies, so he believed it. After a few minutes of going through his memories, the team stared at him in even more confusion.
               "Okay, so you're not Peter." Tom nodded his head ,exasperated. Tony cleared his throat.
               "Alright, so we just need to get you back and then we'll have our Peter back." He turned to Bruce and nodded his head. They got to work and Tom just stood where he was. Steve tilted his head with a small smile.
              "You really aren Peter. If you were, you would've followed them to the lab." Tom just smiled back then sat on a chair.
—time skip—
               "Okay, we're almost done. We'll get you back to your world in no time, Tom," Tony said. Tom nodded his head. He jumped when he heard a loud bang.
               "Baby boy!" "Wade, get out of my tower!" Then Tom was being hugged by someone wearing leather. He turned around and saw Deadpool. How is that even possible? They've never been in a movie together. Wade pulled away and Tom could see his confusion through his mask.
               "You're not baby boy? What happened to him?" He turned to Tony and the man just sighed.
               "That's Tom. He's from a different universe and we're trying to get him back so we can have our Peter back." Wade just nodded his head and stayed quiet. Everyone looked at him confused.
               "Why are you so quiet? What's wrong with you?" Wade just held up his hands.
               "I want you to get Peter back. I'm not going to distract you." Tony nodded his head slowly and got back to work.
—time skip—
               "You ready Tom?" "As ready as I'll ever be."
               "Wait, You're British? Can we keep his accent at least?" Wade asked. Tom chuckled softly and the others rolled their eyes. Tom took a deep breath, then Bruce started to count down. It was bright and then Tom woke up in his own bed. He looked around the room frantically then let out a relieved sigh. Tessa ran into the room and started to lick his face. He laughed as he grabbed his phone. He went through all his contacts and sighed again when they were filled with Robert, Chris, Sebastian, Elizabeth, and so on.
"Thank god."

A/N: I hope I wrote it a way you wanted it. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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