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But with a twist

               Harley sighed as he looked around the ballroom. His father, king Tony Stark, threw a ball hoping his son would find a princess. A few girls came up to the young prince. He had a few nice conversations, but he never let them go too far. Now, he was standing by the snack table. He was eating a cracker when his dad put a hand on his shoulder.
               "You know, this event is so you can talk to people right? Not just stand in a corner looking creepy." Harley rolled his eyes and smiled.
               "I'm aware. But I got bored." Harley shrugged his shoulders and his father chuckled.
               "Well you have a few more hours to mingle. There are a lot of pretty ladies here tonight." While Tony was looking at him, Harley saw the person he was looking for. His smile widened.
               "Yeah, yeah that's great. I gotta go. I'll talk to you in a little bit." He walked away quickly as his dad looked at him with a confused and concerned expression. Harley walked through the halls until he reached the kitchen. He scanned the room and smiled as he saw him. He walked up and put a hand on the other boys shoulder. The boy jumped and turned with wide eyes. Harley laughed loudly as the other glared at him with a soft smile. Harleys laughing faded.
               "Hi, Petey." Harley smirked as the boy rolled his eyes.
               "Hello, your majesty." Harley groaned. He jumped up and sat on the counter.
               "I told you not to call me that."
               "And I told you not to call me Petey, but here we are." Peter smirked at the prince and Harley just smiled back gently. Harley sat for a while as he watched Peter cook. The boy kept glancing at him.
               "Ok, what's wrong? Shouldn't you be out there? You know, at the ball that your parents planned for you?"
               "Technically, yes. But why would I be out there when I can be hanging out with you?" Peter gave Harley a deadpan look and the boy sighed.
               "He wants me to find a princess, but I don't want to." Peter set the plate down on the the table and leaned on the counter next to Harley.
               "Why not? They can't be that bad."
               "No, it's not that. I just don't want a princess." Peter's eyes widened.
               "Well why don't you tell your dad? He probably won't care if you want a prince." Peter started to laugh but Harley groaned and ran his hands through his hair.
               "No. I don't want a prince either." Peter just looked at him for a while and Harley couldn't meet his eyes.
               "I'm confused, Har. What do you want then?" It's quiet for a moment. Neither of them talk. Harley looks up at Peter and smiles tiredly.
               "I wanna show you something." One of Peter's eyebrows raise as Harley hops off the counter and grabs his hand. He drags the other boy through the halls until they reach large double doors. Harley let's go of Peter's hand so he can push the doors open. Peter gasps as he looks around the room. It's Harley and Tony's lab. Peter starts to back away.
               "I don't think I'm allowed in there, Harley." Harley smiles reassuringly and guides Peter inside. The younger boy looks around the room in wonder. He smiles brightly. Harley can't help but stare at him. Peter turns to Harley.
               "Are you sure it's okay I'm in here? I really don't think I can be in here. No one's ever told me this was even here."
               "You're fine, Peter. I brought you here. You can't get in trouble if I invited you." Peter nods, but he still looks uncertain.
               "Do you wanna help me build something?" Peter shakes his head and lowers his eyes.
               "No, I don't think I'll help much. I'm not as smart as you." Harley stares at him.
               "You're kidding right?" Peter looks up with confused eyes. Harley rolls his.
               "Get over here." Peter walks over and they begin to work together. Harley knew Peter was smart, but he still always gets shocked when the boy can solve something he's stuck on. Peter always apologizes and tries to make it seem like no big deal, but Harley praises him every time. The prince looks at the boy with a soft smile and adoring eyes. He didn't even notice when his parents stopped by the doors with affectionate and knowing smiles on their faces.

A/N: I really need to start writing more. I'm just lazy bruh. I kind of want to try and do Disney/fairytale stories like this too but idk. Oh yeah, some people asked me to do more spideychelle. If you guys want me to write more I can, I just write a lot of gay relationships because you always see straight relationships in shows and movies. But if you want Peter and mj let me know and I'll start writing more of that. Sorry, this is really long 💀. As always I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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