On Your Left

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This was requested by @RainMusicDragon
I hope I wrote it the way you wanted. If I didn't, let me know and I'll write a new one. Okay, enjoy!

               The sun was just beginning to rise as Steve left the tower. He did a quick stretch on the sidewalk before he began his run. He was lightly jogging, barely sweating. As he was running, he heard another pair of feet running behind him. The footsteps got closer and then they were right behind him.
               "On your left". Steve slowed down in shock as he saw a young boy pass him and speed off. He shook his head and began to run again, going a little faster now. He ran for a while when he heard footsteps getting closer again.
               "On your left." It was the same boy from earlier and he sped off again.
               "What the hell?" Steve stared in disbelief and ran even faster, almost sprinting. The sun was getting higher in the sky and it was getting hotter. He ran a few more laps, the boy passing him every time. He started to run as fast as he could. He heard footsteps approaching him again and his mouth opened in shock.
               "Don't say it." The boy slowed down and smiled at him.
               "On your left." He ran past again. Steve laughed, amused, and he slowed down to a walk.
—time skip—
Steve sat on a bench and closed his eyes as he slowed his breathing. He opened his eyes as he heard footsteps approach again. It was the same boy. He slowed to a walk and smiled down at Steve. Steve smiled at him and shook his head.
"You're pretty fast kid. How do you run like that?" He smirked at Steve and shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe you're just slow." Steve laughed again and held his hand out.
"Steve Rogers." The boy shook his hand and smiled kindly.
"I know. I'm Peter. Parker." Steve gave him one more smile before standing up.
"Well, I'll see you around, Peter Parker." Peter nodded his head shyly and walked away. Steve stared at his back in wonder before shaking his head again with a small chuckle.
—time skip—
The team was waiting in the living room for Tony and Spider-Man to show up. They've been working with the hero for a while now and he decided he trusted the team enough to show them his face. Steve was staring down at his sketchbook when he heard people approaching. Tony began to speak and Steve looked up.
"Team, meet-" "Peter?" Tony looked shocked and Peter waved at him shyly. The rest of the team looked at Steve confused.
"How do you know Peter?" Tony asked, sounding protective. Steve looked between the team, Tony, and Peter before he answered.
"I met him at the park. He kept passing me." Clint laughed suddenly and everyone turned to look at him.
"Cap got beat by a twelve year old!"
"Actually I'm sixteen." Clint just continued to laugh until Natasha smacked the back of his head. Tony put his arm around Peters shoulders and smiled proudly.
"Good job, underoos." Peter smiled widely and everyone internally promised to never let anything bad happen to this boy. They talked for a while longer when Clint spoke up again.
"You guys should let us watch you race. You know... for scientific reasons." Steve rolled his eyes but smiled fondly as Peter laughed. They began to watch a movie, with only a few teasing comments from Clint and Sam.

A/N: This isn't as good as I wanted it to be, but I hope it is what they requested. I tried my best, but let me know if I need to fix anything. As always I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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