Peters Bucket List

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I got this idea from a story I read a while ago. I changed a lot about it and I don't remember who the original story was by, so I'm sorry about that. It's very different, but the main idea is from that person.

Peter knew he was dying. He could feel it. His spider side was fading and when that was gone, he would die. He wanted to do something every day until he died. Not just doing things he's never done, but spending time with the people he cared about.
Day 1:
Peter wanted to spend more time with the team. He told them they should have a team bonding day and they all agreed without questions. They haven't spent a whole day together in a while. They ate breakfast together after a run, they trained until lunch, and then they just hung out outside of the tower until dinner. After dinner, they watched Disney movies until they all fell asleep. Peter thought it was a good way to start his list.

Day 5:
Peter wanted to spend the day with team red outside of their suits. They were a little confused since they don't really do that, but they were excited anyway. They went shopping all day even though none of them really bought anything. They went to an amusement park to ride the rides. They also won a few prizes for each other. They were all laughing and smiling the whole time and Peter was happy he chose to do this.
Day 10:
Peter wanted to do something nice for Happy. He asked him if they could go to lunch together. Happy was confused but he agreed. They went to Peters favorite sandwich place. Peter told Happy to choose and he decided on that. They ate and happy asked why Peter wanted to have lunch together. Peter just told him he wanted happy to know how much he cared about him. That made the man worry, but Peter just gave him a reassuring smile.
Day 20:
This day, he decided to be nice to everyone at school. When he first saw Flash in the morning, he waved at him with a kind smile. Flash looked confused, but he waved back. He helped the people in his classes who were struggling to do their worksheets. He gave someone his lunch because they didn't have any. The hallways seemed brighter, but everyone was confused because why was Peter being so nice to everyone?
Day 30:
He spent this day with Bruce. They stayed in the lab most of the time and they kept making new things that didn't really have a purpose. They were just for fun. Peter was just happy because Bruce seemed more relaxed that day. Until he asked Peter why he was spending time with him. Peter told Bruce the same thing he told Happy. Bruce didn't let it go as quickly.
"You say that like you're dying." Peter didn't answer and kept his eyes on the robot he was building. Bruce looked up from his own project and stared at Peter.
"Peter... are you...?" He didn't finish his sentence. Peter looked up at him with sad eyes and Bruce covered his mouth and shook his head. He asked if anyone knows and Peter shook is head.
"I don't want to worry them. I'll be fine. I just want to spend these last few days with everyone." Bruce nodded his head slowly before pulling Peter into a hug. They stayed there for a while until Bruce cleared his throat and pulled away with glassy eyes. They got back to work.
Day 31:
He spent this day with Steve. He's never spent much time with Steve because he was still a little angry with him. But he wanted to make sure everyone was happy. So, he went on a run with Steve in the morning and then they did whatever they wanted to. Peter showed Steve videos on his phone. Peter would be laughing while Steve smiled even though he was confused. Steve showed Peter all of his drawings and paintings and Peter would look at them in awe. They didn't do much, but they both had fun.
Day 32:
This day was Natasha. She taught him a few things in Russian and Peter caught on quickly. Then they would spar for a few hours until Natasha pulled him into a hug. He hugged back and asked her why she was hugging him.
"I heard what you told Bruce. I just want you to know how much I care for you as well." Natasha hugged him tighter and they stood there until Steve walked in. They pulled away and Peter gave Nat a soft smile which she returned sadly.
Day 33:
The day with Thor was short since he had to go back to Asgard. But on this day, Peter found out he was worthy. That was pretty cool.
Day 34:
Peter decided that he would make Clint new arrows to start the day, so he did. Clint got very excited and Peter asked if he wanted to see what they could do. He showed Clint what would happen if he shot it off target. It wouldn't miss. Clint thought they were the coolest thing. He wanted to spend more time using them, but Peter asked if he wanted to prank some of the other people in the tower. Clint agreed and they spent the whole day doing that. Everyone they pranked got mad except for Bruce and Natasha. They just smiled softly.
Day 35:
He knew Sam didn't really like him, so he wanted to do something for him. He updated his suit secretly and put a note on it for him to find in the morning. He didn't watch Sam read it, but when he came in and ruffled Peters hair, he had a feeling he saw.
Day 36:
Bucky was like a brother to Peter, so he knew something was wrong. He didn't ask too many questions, but it was his idea to hang out with Peter that day. They went to the pet store and played with the puppies and kittens. Peter always wanted a dog, but he wanted to adopt one. So they went to the pound and Bucky said he would get Peter one. Peter looked until he found a dog he thought Bucky would like. He asked Bucky if he liked her and he saw the mans eyes soften when his eyes landed on her. Peter knew this was the right dog. He told Bucky he would have to take care of her when he was busy. They both had a good day
Day 45:
This was Mjs day. Peter asked her on a date and she said yes. They went to the movies and then had a nice dinner. Mj could tell Peter was hiding something. He told her it was nothing she needed to worry about and then he took her home. It was a simple and sweet day and Peter was happy he took her out.
Day 50:
Peter spent the whole day building Legos with Ned. They found a Spider-Man set and they bought that one and decided to build it after they finished the Iron Man one. They watched movies and Peter showed him everything his suit could do. Ned's face was practically glowing the whole time. Peter was happy he could make his friend so happy.
Day 53-54:
Peter could tell it was getting closer, so he spent two days with May. He made her breakfast, they went out for lunch, and he made her dinner. They didn't do a lot since they didn't have enough money to do a lot, but Peter asked Tony for a few dollars so he could buy May something. The first day, he got her flowers. Red, pink, and white roses with a single yellow rose. The second day, he bought her a bracelet. It had six charms. One with Bens name, one with Peters name, a spider charm, an angel charm, and a heart. May started to cry when she opened the box. She hugged Peter tightly and they both slept in May's bed.
Day 55:
Peter knew today was his last day. He decided to spend it with Tony. They spent the day in the lab and they worked on the Iron Man suit. Tony asked why he didn't want to work on his own suit. Peter just said he forgot to bring it. Peter convinced Tony to help him make a real R2D2 and some lightsabers. It was the best day ever. At the end of the day, they watched movies. Tony fell asleep first. Peter let a tear fall as he placed a letter on the table next to the couch before making his way down to Bruce. He nodded and Bruce tried not to cry as he nodded back.
When Tony woke up and read the note, he cried. He's never cried as hard as he did before. The note just explained what happened to Peter and how much Peter loved Tony. He told Tony he was like a father to him and he was happy that he got to spend as much time with him as he did. When the others found out, everything changed. The tower was silent. Everyone was either in their rooms, the labs, or the training room. Bruce and Tony were in the labs trying to distract themselves, but failing as they started to cry. Steve, Bucky and Natasha would all hit the punching bags until they started to cry. The others were all in their rooms, either staring blankly at the wall or crying. May was a mess. She would cry every day and she couldn't go back to work. She could barely leave her room. Pepper would have to make sure she ate everyday. Happy didn't drive his car for a while. It made him think of all the times he ignored Peter. Especially when he actually needed help with the Vulture. Ned and Mj didn't go to school for a few months. It was too much. Ned lost his best friend and Mj lost someone who actually wanted to be more than a friend. The halls at school were gloomy. The students couldn't believe what happened. And when they heard that Peter knew what was happening, that explained why he was so nice to everyone and included them all of a sudden. Flash was filled with guilt and he wasn't as cocky as he used to be. Tony was breaking. He tried to lock himself in his lab, but it only reminded him of Peter. He tried to drink himself to death, but then he thought about how disappointed Peter would be. He cried constantly. Pepper tried to help him, but she didn't understand what he was going through. She didn't know Peter as well as Tony did. Tony loved that kid like a son and it hurt. He tried to get better so he could help May, but he couldn't. Peter was the one who kept him okay. Without Peter, he was empty.

A/N: Oof. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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