8. Olivia

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My makeup was simple but pretty and not too much that I would finish with crazy panda eyes

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My makeup was simple but pretty and not too much that I would finish with crazy panda eyes. My hair was pulled back in a neat bun to keep it out of the way, but I still pulled out a few strands of baby hairs to make it stylish. My skin was moisturised and spritzed with a light body shimmer to make it look irresistible. My outfit was casual and basic, making it easy and quick to remove. I was ready to go.

'Spending the night with Axel, huh?' Chloe giggled, as she sat at her desk flicking through her photographs on her laptop screen.

'Yes,' I replied, feeling excited but nervous. 'What are you doing tonight?'

'Drinks in Polly's room as usual,' Chloe said, slamming shut her laptop. 'Her mom visited yesterday and brought her a couple bottles of champagne so we're probably going to work our way through them tonight. You're missing out...'

'As fun as it sounds, you know I'd rather spend my weekend with my boyfriend,' I told her.

'Yeah, I completely understand,' Chloe chuckled.

'Okay, time to go,' I said, grabbing my phone. 'Have a good night!'

'You too!' she called back.

I headed out of the girls' dorms and through the common room towards the boys' dorms, texting Axel to ask him to open the door. It opened as I approached and a few guys walked out so I quickly grabbed it and slipped in.

I was smiling and feeling giddy as I headed for Axel's room and thinking about how I was finally going to lose my v-card. It was a scary thought of how it was going to feel, but it was a heart-warming thought to think that it was going to be with someone I loved and who loved me too.

I knocked lightly and it quickly opened, my smile fading as Axel's annoying roommate greeted me with a scowl.

'Olivia,' he said, flatly.

'Shane,' I replied, in the same dull tone, rolling my eyes as I brushed past him and headed inside. 'Where is Axel?'

'He's not my boyfriend,' Shane murmured, slamming the door shut and returning to sit at his desk.

'Excuse me, what are you doing?' I asked him, as I watched him pick up his pen.

'My Geography paper,' he replied, slowly, snarling his top lip at me.

'Axel told me we would have the room to ourselves tonight,' I told him, arching my brow.

'Oh...yeah well, Axel isn't even here,' he replied, but as soon as he finished his sentence the door opened and Axel stepped inside.

'Hey, Shane, I'm gonna' be a little late back to the room tonight as I'm...oh...hey babe...' Axel paused as he dropped his training bag and stared at me in confusion.

'Hey babe,' I replied, waiting for the ball to drop as I lay down on his bed.

'What's going on?' Axel asked me.

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