48. Olivia

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I strolled slowly through the school halls the evening after the night we'd found out about Axel's arrest

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I strolled slowly through the school halls the evening after the night we'd found out about Axel's arrest. I was still torn up inside wondering what was going to happen with him and I had ended up crying on Shane's shoulder the night before after we'd discovered some more details from Axel's Mom. Shane had ended up staying the night with me in my room, the two of us crashing on my bed unexpectedly. It was strange but it was comforting to have him there and I was beginning to dislike him a lot less than I used to. He was actually quite alright and he was extremely understanding about my worry over Axel.

'Oh, Olivia!' Miss. Moore came around the corner and we both stopped to greet each other.

'Hey, Miss. Moore,' I responded. 'I'm just on my way to the drama studio to work on the backdrop.'

'I've been meaning to catch you actually,' she told me. 'I wanted to talk to you about the Dorothy role in the school show. I've been thinking...maybe you should audition for the part.'

'Audition?' I laughed. 'Me as Dorothy? That's crazy.'

'You're a beautiful singer, Olivia,' Miss. Moore replied. 'There's nothing crazy about it.'

'Polly is the understudy,' I told her.

'Polly is no longer anything in the show,' she replied. 'She is no longer in school.'

'What?' I gasped. This had to be because of what I'd told the detectives. 'Has she been arrested?'

'I'm not sure but I can't discuss anything with you anyway,' she replied. 'All I can say is that her parents pulled her out and she is cooperating with the investigation but obviously she cannot be a part of the show anymore. I really think you should audition.'

'Auditions are over,' I said. 'Surely the role can go to someone else who auditioned?'

'I can arrange one for you,' she told me. 'I really think you'd be perfect and it would be a tribute to your friend.'

'Do it for Chloe?' I questioned, instantly feeling sad. She had been so happy about getting the role. If there was anyone she would want to take her place, it would always be me. 'Okay...I'll audition.'

'Great!' Miss. Moore cheered. 'I will arrange it and email you the details.'

'Okay, thank you, Miss. Moore.' I said my goodbyes and continued on to the drama studio feeling excited that I could have just landed the lead in the show if this audition went well and I'd be doing my best friend proud.

'You look happy,' Brynn stated, as I entered.

'I'm auditioning for the role of Dorothy for the show,' I told her and Shane, as they sat on the floor doing nothing. 'Miss. Moore suggested it. I'm going to do it for Chloe.'

'That's awesome, Liv!' Shane gasped. 'You'll smash it.'

'Thank you,' I giggled, feeling myself blush at his compliment. He really was becoming more likeable to me. 'Where is Juliet? I'm guessing she's not coming after our argument.'

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